~Chapter - 43 ~

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Amira woke up and got ready wearing Spring Elegant Slash-neck short sleeve mid dress with her hair loose, had her breakfast and moved towards her office but throughout the night and even now her mind is filled with thoughts of Yuvaraj and his behaviour which is annoying her greatly because it is first time in her life that someone or something other than her past or work is fluttering in her mind flowing like the water of him which is very new to her but she chose to make that part of her brain silent and she was succeeded too but only partially unknown to her.

Today they are going to start working together and they chose few members of each company whee they will collaborate and work while they both will be the heads where all the designs for Winter Collection in the upcoming Fashionista will be modelled by models on ramp walk. She reached the office. The building was tall situated in the heart of the city made of fine glass is looking over the city in its glory and grandeur. The building was the main branch and fashion house of Yuvaraj Mittal and they decided to work in this company for this show while Amira will visit daily for the morning while remaining time she will have time to look after her own business.

She entered inside the building through private elevator along with Yuvaraj's P.A Evelyn who was instructed by Yuvaraj to cater the needs of Amira and they entered a large room and Amira understood it was conference but Amira was impressed by interior designing of the office as it was classic, beautiful and it made her feel comfortable at the same time it was emitting powerful and dangerous to the people who don't belong to Business world and she was perfectly fine with that as her office was same too but she prefers more earthly colours which gives the feeling being close to nature. She was pulled out of her thoughts by Yuvaraj who approached her with a professional smile.

"Good Morning MS Khurana, I hope you didn't find any difficulty in finding this address," Yuvaraj said and Amira looked at him with her own professional smile.

"Good Morning Mr Mittal, I didn't find any problem in finding this address as it is in the middle of the city or more like i is in the heart of the city, so shall we proceed with work?" Amira asked and Yuvaraj signed Evelyn to leave them both alone for a few minutes.

"Of course Mr Khurana, before that will you have Coffee or something, as this meeting will take up most of our morning as we need to address both of our teams," Yuvaraj said and Amira looked at him for few seconds.

"I would like to have Cream Lattee Mr Mittal and yes it will be better if we start immediately, as my schedule is full after lunch," Amira hinted him that she has a busy day so that this meeting will over soon.

"Of course I will ask My P.A to bring your Coffee to the Conference room, we will address the team now, please follow me," Yuvaraj said directed Amira to the other conference room.

When they entered inside the room and it turned silent sensing their arrival and everyone faced them and Yuvaraj was talking to Evelyn while Amira was busy observing them with serious which made them tremble internally but they stood their ground as knowing some of them are her employees knowing their boss doesn't like weakness they stood with pride in front of her while others were trembling because they know Yuvaraj will not spare them if they commit a single mistake.

"Good morning Team, as you know that we that is Myra Fashion House & Pari Fashion House, decided to collaborate together for moving fashionista, so from today onwards we are going to work as a team and we don't want any clashes between two teams as now both will be working as one," Amira started her speech firmly while Yuvaraj was impressed with her because he saw how she commanded everyone's attention once they entered inside.

"As Ms Khurana said we will be working as team and I don't like mistakes so be careful while doing your work, you will have two heads who will be looking after your work and will relate to us about you people, also there will be a time limit for every designs we order you to draw so that it will be done on time, from my employees I have chose Mr. Maximus Miller will be the head," Yuvaraj said and Amira looked at her team for few seconds before announcing the team head.

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