~ Chapter - 38 ~

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Amna Mansion was in chaos as Amira was missing from the morning and no one has any clue as to where she is or how she is which is making Arnav and Khushi along with Abhishek scared and getting different scenarios in their heart of her suffering again upon that the Judge, along with Police, lawyer and Amira's P.A Anshuman who came back from California a week back is here bringing few people thereby covering their faces and no one is allowed to see who they are while yesterday few higher authority officials have come there and checked thoroughly so that the security is tight around the mansion and is safe for the judge and other higher officials who will be there is safe and now they are waiting in the room which is turned into courtroom especially for this case.

Just then Amira entered inside wearing a casual black Anarkali dress but what gained everyone's attention was the bandage around her forehead, left wrist and right palm from before one night and immediately Khushi ran towards her.

"Amira, are you fine? Where were you? What happened to you and who did this?" Khushi fired questions rapidly while her voice was filled with concern, relief and panic.

"I'm fine, now I think we should get this sorted out, Mark close all the entrances and doors to the mansion and I want Mansion to be secured until and unless I say otherwise," Amira instructed and today for the first time they can see someone else in her which made them take few steps away from her.

"Now, I will tell a story and everyone will listen to it but before that, I'm giving last chance to the conspirators who destroyed my happy life, you have two minutes to come forward and accept your sins," Amira called out and looked at her grandfather in the eye which made the old man shiver inwardly but he stood his ground and she just shook her head before blanking her face masking her emotions.

"This story starts from the time of my great grandfather Krishna Khurana, who started our family business from foundation with hard-work, sincerity and honesty and during a business meeting, he met my great grandmother Mrunalini, both fell in love and got married with their family blessings and after the marriage of three years they had their first child and heir of the family Abhinav Khurana who was the apple of the family, he was active, intelligent, ambitious, kind-hearted and hard-working and because of these qualities the Khurana industries reached heights and with three years difference they had another son and daughter who are twins named  Raj Khurana and Radha Khurana, they both were close to each other which made difficult for Abhinav to bond with them like usually siblings do nonetheless he loved his siblings with all his heart. The business was growing rapidly and like his father he also met the love his life Anchal Khanna and married her while Raj Khurana married Pooja Khurana in an arranged marriage and his twin was married to Vivek whom she loved seeing him at a party he attended in our home. This is the story known to the world, Am I right Mr Raj and Mrs Pooja Khurana?" Amira asked looking at them and Arnav was looking at her in pain because he made sure that no one in his children will know about Abhinav and Anchal Khurana because it is a sore topic for him and Khushi was fearing what they are going to listen now.

"You are right Amira, that is the history of our family but how do you know about that because we made sure that no one in our family will know about them other than your mother, me and your grandparents?" Arnav asked and Amira looked at him before answering.

"Well, how do I know is not important but what happened and who conspired all this is important at this hour also they are not my grandparents nor your parents Dad because my grandparents are dead when you were hardly five years old, Am I right?" Amira asked and Arnav looked at her in shock.

"Yes they are dead but how do you know?" Arnav asked and Amira took a deep breath before continuing.

"Abhinav and Anchal had single son who was named as heir to Khurana foundations by his grandfather Krishna Khurana that is my father Arnav Abhinav Khurana who made Khurana industries reach new heights, gaining reputation in National level and here comes the real story, Raj Khurana was always jealous of his brother Abhinav also the will of Krishna Khurana in which he wrote 80% on his elder son Abhinav and after his death to Arnav Khurana leaving 20% on Raj Khurana made him burn in hate, anger, jealousy and revenge, so on the fifth birthday of Arnav Khurana, Krishna, Mrunalini along with Abhinav, Anchal along with their son Arnav were going to Mumbai to celebrate his birthday when their car was crashed with truck and the elders were dead on the spot while protecting their son and grandson from death, but this truth was buried deep down in their hearts only known to Raj Khurana, his wife and sister Pooja and Radha till this day and here are the proofs," Amira said showing the photos in which Raj was seen giving money to the truck driver, the same person who was working as their family driver from last 45 years and he was pulled forward roughly by Mark who was standing behind Amira as a guard.

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