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Amira slowly opened her eyes and was met with a white ceiling, saline and medicines smell, immediately her brain registering that she is in hospital, as she tried to recall what happened and was immediately assaulted with incidents that happened and when she recalled what would have happened if she didn't shoot that person made her tremble in fear increasing her BP and making her difficult to breathe, her vitals going haywire making the doctor who came to check on her to get tensed and after few minutes her vitals came to normal as she was sedated.

"Doctor, did the patient gain consciousness?" Police inspector asked and Doctor sighed in relief.

"Yes Inspector Pandey, Patient gained consciousness but due to her BP getting high, we sedated her for few hours she will wake up after four hours," Doctor replied.

"Good to hear that Doctor, it is a relief because her condition was worst that I have seen ever in my life, once she wakes up I need to get her statement and inform her family about her condition," Pandey said and Doctor nodded his head in acceptance.

Meanwhile in these six months many things changed here in Amna Mansion, Arnav and Abhishek stopped interacting with anyone in the family other than Aashi and Khushi, turning into angry men, shouting at anyone or anything even the silliest and smallest things scaring and terrifying everyone in the family while Aashi was enjoying the attention of family on her mostly the attention Kiaan was showering on her even though it was not love for Kiaan and mere attraction towards her but he was unknown to that, while Khushi became silent only talking when it was needed, others were trying to make them their own self but it was impossible because they had separated an integral part from them but it is like banging their heads on walls because they can never understand the love they had for their Amira is more than all this games played by their family and rivals and in these six months Arnav and Abhishek used all the detectives of Kolkata to find the asylum and their daughter but they never found her which is frustrating them to no end because this was the first time they tried to find something and they came out empty handed and today they are feeling gut wrenching fear in the pit of their stomach making them pray that nothing happens to their daughter but they were late because already she lost her innocence. Arnav and Abhishek just came from office and Khushi came forward with glass of Juice for both of them and just then home phone rang and Abhishek attended the call only to feel the floor beneath him to slip as he heard the news.

"Hello, Mr Khurana speaking, who is this?" Abhishek asked.

"Good evening Mr Khurana, I'm DCP Pandey, what is the relationship you share with Ms Amira Khurana?" He asked and Abhishek felt fear and anticipation building in his stomach.

"I'm her elder brother Abhishek, may I know why you are asking this?" Abhishek asked.

"Sorry to inform you, Mr Khurana, to find your address it has taken us two weeks because just now your sister came into consciousness," He said and Abhishek was unable to process his thoughts.

"Consciousness? What the hell are you speaking?" Abhishek shouted gaining the attention of everyone in the family.

"Mr Khurana, please come as soon as possible to the City Life hospital I will explain everything to you in detail," He said and Abhishek sat down in sofa while phone fell from his hands.

"Prince, what happened?" Khushi asked.

"Babygirl hospital... accident... inspector...phone," Abhishek was mumbling and Khushi stumbled in shock.

"Abhishek what happened to Babygirl?" Arnav asked shaking him.

"Dad we need to go to the hospital," Abhishek said and rushed out followed by others and in 20 mins they reached their destination and they ran and was met with DCP Pandey who was waiting for them outside the ward.

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