~ Chapter - 45 ~

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Yuvaraj was annoyed because his sister and mother made sure that he will not skip this meeting with the prospective bride of his in their eyes no matter what. Sargun was persistent on him getting married while he is thinking plans to woo Amira and win her affections, he entered Blue Rose Cafe and was surprised to see with the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans, cake, and chocolate while the climate was peaceful and comfortable, the cafe was situated at end of the city with a small garden at the back, he took his seat was reserved on his name by Ayesha. He was surprised to see Amira there who sat exactly opposite to his seat at the other end of the cafe busy and concentrated in the file she has in front of her with a concentrated frown. He stood up and walked towards her and stood in front of her.

Amira was sitting in the cafe going through the folder which contains the details of the next deal and she was somewhat agitated. After all, from the time she met Yuvaraj Mittal, she was annoyed, because her emotions are always going haywire around him making her feel the things which she buried long back and doesn't want to go through them once again and get her heartbreak but her heart is not agreeing with her while her mind is warning her against it, she just shook her head and just then the door of the cafe opened and someone walked but didn't look up after few minutes someone stood in front of her blocking her vision which made her frown and she looked up only to see Yuvaraj standing in front of her in all his glory grinning and smiling like a Cheshire cat which confused her but she made her face annoyed while he just occupied the seat in front of her.

"It is once again you? Are you staking me now Mr. Mittal, Isn't it becoming boring now?" Amira asked and Yuvaraj just shook his head before answering.

"I'm here to meet someone on my Mom's insistence which I don't like even a bit but now that a familiar face is here, I'm fine with meeting that person," YV said and She looked at his face with a frown.

"You are calling me a familiar person even though it has been hardly month two weeks we met each other?" Amira questioned him.

"Well, better to have at least a person whom we know for a few days with us than surrounded by unknown faces," YV said shrugging his shoulders and she looked at him incredulously.

"Anyway what are you doing here at this time? You usually will be at the office?" Amira asked with curiosity and unable to stop herself from asking.

"I can ask the same for you anyway I'm here to meet a girl who my mother chose for me as a bride," Yuvaraj said looking at her for reaction and he was met with her angry face which made him smile internally.

"Well, then go and find her why are you here? sitting in front of me as if I'm the one for you? And I'm here on business purpose," Amira snapped at him and she was shocked at her creation while he smirked looking at her.

"I don't see a reason for you get angry but you are and snapping at me for no reason, are you angry because of my presence or me seeing a girl so that I can marry her," Yuvaraj teased her while she stammered as he read her correctly because she was angry at him for seeing a girl and not by his presence and this feeling of hers scared her and she turned her face away from his and chose to not answer him.

"I think I should leave, I'm getting late to reach office," Amira said standing up while he looked at her few seconds.

"You said you are here for a business deal and today is Sunday then how will you go to office? If you don't want me near you then I will go back to my reserved seat," Yuvaraj said seriously and she looked at him in surprise.

"I.. I... I have a habit of visiting this Cafe every Sunday, as I love their Latte and Pancakes and while I'm here I enjoy the weather while doing my work and as for being Sunday then it doesn't differ to me whether it is Sunday or Monday for me all are same, I'm not used for difference, because I fear it," Amira said and she was stunned realizing what she confessed and she turned away knowing there are questions in his eyes and for which he wants to seek answers but she isn't ready to answer any of them while he was shocked to see her telling something personal to him and that raised many questions in him but he chose to keep silent on that as he will have his answers at a later time when she is comfortable enough to open up to him.

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