{Chapter Eleven} Yggdrasil

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Lizzie wasn't entirely sure where she was going until she had already zapped her and Aphmau away from the castle. She had mere seconds to decide where to go, lest they got stuck in limbo. 

Her mind latched onto an achingly familiar place, focusing on it. Moments later, they reappeared in a forest clearing. 

At first glance, it looked like any ordinary clearing. Soft grass covered the ground, and giant trees towered overhead, their arching branches blocking out large swathes of sunlight. 

But if you looked a little closer, you could see the signs that this place had once been something more. The remnants of glamorous buildings littered the ground. A lot of the trees were intricately carved, and all glittered with an odd light. They almost appeared to be alive.

"What is this place?" Aphmau breathed, staring around in wonder. 

"Yggdrasil. Former home of the elves." Lizzie replied. 

She could remember the first time she had been here. It had been when she was fairly young, and still trying to figure out her powers. She had been awestruck, but as time went on it became more like a staple in her life. 

A while ago, maybe several hundred years, maybe several thousand, thanks to humans, Yggdrasil had started to fall apart at the seams, the natural magic tying it together losing its power. The elves had abandoned it, choosing to live their lives disguised as humans instead. Many had been found out and killed, but she knew that some had survived. She had no idea where they were now, however. 

"Former?" Aphmau questioned, jolting the divine from her stupor. 

Lizzie simply shook her head.

"We need to find something for Malachi." She answered instead.

"He was an elf?" Aphmau blurted out.

"No." Lizzie laughed, "But he did spend some of his childhood here, with Zoey, and it was elvish magic that brought him back. Magic that has long since died out." 

Aphmau nodded as though she understood, even though Lizzie knew her mind was moving at a hundred miles an hour. 

"So, what are we looking for?" Aphmau asked, apprehension sneaking into her voice.

Lizzie shrugged. 

"A remnant of elvish magic, perhaps. Or maybe something a child would play with." She suggested.

"Elvish kid toys." Aphmau nodded, "What do those look like?"

Lizzie rolled her eyes playfully.

"Like toys." 


Lizzie headed further into the clearing, brushing her hand against some of the carvings on the trees. To an untrained eye, it would seem that this place was stunningly beautiful, which it was, but for her it was a shadow of what it used to be.  

The easiest thing would be to take a leaf or branch from one of the trees, which were all imbued with the same magic that brought Malachi back, even if it was just remnants now, but she didn't want to damage this area any more than she had to. 

The stone from the castle was still clutched in her hand. It was about the same size as her palm, and a dark, misty grey. 

It didn't look like the kind of thing that had come from an enchanted castle. 

"Hey!" Aphmau called.

Lizzie glanced up to see her not-sister standing on top of what would have been a house or building of some sort, waving her over. 

Her hand dropped from the tree, and she walked over to Aphmau, trying not to envision this place in its glory days. 

"Would these work?" Aphmau asked, gesturing at a cluster of colourful stones half-buried under rubble. 

Several of them were cracked and worn, but some still of them still shone. Lizzie recognised them as the gemstones the elves would use for magic. They had been common objects, so probably hadn't been something they had thought to take with them. They also were magical items, and something that they wouldn't have had any use for once they left, if they were going to live as normal people. 

"They should." Lizzie replied, leaning down to pick up one.

It was a shimmering red stone which flashed gold when the sunlight hit it. She could feel the magic pulsing from it. 

That meant they had everything that they needed for Malachi now. 

Three down, and one to go.

A/N: Image by Jorge Jacinto.

I had a mini freak out over the fact that The Forgotten Relics disappeared, but it's back now, so it's fine. 

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