Sutopuri's Meeting (2)

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Satomi started with purplehead who sat in front of him. "This is Nanamori or Naa-kun. He's our leader and acted like our 'mother'. He's 2 years younger than me,". "Hi!". Nanamori waved to you, as greeting. Satomi continued, "He's reliable leader and always took care of me and the others,". "Hahaha, Sato-chan. You're flattering me so much. By the way, nice to meet you, (Y/N)-san,".

"Ah... Nice to meet you too, Na-Nanamori-san! Arigatou for take care of Sato- I mean, my playful husband,". Nanamori smiled, "Actually, I'm the one who have to thank your husband. He helped me a lot. And, just call me Naa-kun. Nanamori-san is too long!". "I see... Eh? Umm.. how about Nana-san?". You didn't like the idea to call him Naa-kun as you're just met him. "Nana-san? It's fine too,". Nanamori gave his agreement before Satomi introduced Jel.

"The orangehead is Jel-kun. He's 24 years old. He's narcissistic and womanizer who also the group's entertainer. Be careful to not fall into his trap, ok?".
.Satomi introduced Jel, who sat across you with disgusted tone. "What's with that introduction? Nevermind.. How are you, my lovely lady?". Jel was about to kiss your right hand as Satomi pulled you away from him.

"Woah?! Sa-Sa-Satomi-chan?!". "What're you trying to do, Jel-kun?!". Satomi hugged you tightly as he gave Jel a death glare. "Isn't it obvious? It's my way of greeting,". Jel's answer made Satomi hissed at him, "DON'T... EVER... TOUCH... HER...". His action received laugh from others, "Oh, my~ Someone is jealous,". "www...Satomi-kun... www...". "Don't worry, we won't steal her,". "wwwwwwwww... can't stop laughing,".

"Of course, I'm jealous! She's mine!". Said Satomi. You giggled, "Satomi-chan's jealous face is cute~". "Even you too.. laughing at your Darling, (Y/N)- chan?". Satomi's frowned."That's enough, guys. Sato-chan didn't finish introduce ourselves yet,". Nanamori calmed the situation. Again, Nanamori 'saved' him "Naa-kun..." Satomi looked at him with glimmering eyes before he continued, "Well, I'll proceed to next person,".

"My Love, this red-haired with a pair of heterochromatic eyes is Riinu. He's 22 years old. He's dog person, obviously you can tell it from his name tho,". Satomi introduced Riinu. "Hi! You're cute, (Y/N)-san! Hope we can be good friends,". Riinu, who sat beside Jel, held both of your hands in excitement."Hii?! Err ..okay?". You're taken aback by his action.

Surprisingly, Satomi didn't pulled you like he did last time. This made Jel protested, "What's this, Satomi-kun? How can you let Riinu-kun held your wife's hands while I can't?". "Well, you're TRYING to kiss her hand. Besides, I believe Riinu wasn't like you,". Satomi explained to Jel. "Then, can I-" Satomi gave Jel a 'Do it if you wanna die' vibe which silenced him.

"Next is... Root. He's 22 years old too. He's the youngest member of Sutopuri. He's the quietest among us but.. sometimes he'll stab our heart through his unexpected dark side,". Satomi rubbed his neck as he introduce the yellow boy. "What an unique introduction of mine, Satomi-kun~ But, do you know? (Y/N) is unlucky to have you as husband. She deserve someone else~". Root replied with his sadistic smile."Root-kun, you're mean,". Riinu who sat beside Root, scolded him.

"It's okay, Riinu. I already get used to it," Satomi reassured him. Ahem! "And.. the last one... Colon!". He pointed at the light blue boy who sat beside you. "He's 24 years old. He's my partner. We're always do collab or play games together. Well, he.. emotionally unstable? I mean, he's easily scream or shout over small things,". "Ehh?! Why you think of me like that?! And why did you sounded like unsure of it?!!" Colon raised his voice. The others tried their best to hold their laughs.

"Aren't you always like that, Colon-kun?". Root looked at him with pitiful look, more like look down on him. "What?! Shut up you DID faker! Psychopath who acted cute and innocent!". "At least, I'm not like someone who got up at 4:30 a.m to watch some Youtube research!". They started bickering with Riinu tried to stop them. Nanamori and Jel laughed, "These traffic light children ...www,".

Satomi stared at you. His lips curved into gentle smile, "These are my friends, (Y/N)-chan. The one who I spend time for past 3 years,". You can saw the reflection of them in his eyes, "Satomi-chan really love Sutopuri. He even cried during their live concert too, telling that he treasure his members so much. I'm kinda jealous,". You smiled, "They're interesting friends, Darling,". "My Love...".

"Umm.. Satomi-kun?" Root raised his hand. All members drawn to him. "Yes?".Satomi raised his brow. "I know it's weird. But, how old are you, (Y/N)-san?". "The worst thing already come!". Satomi prayed that you won't answer it. "Oh? My age? I'm... 18 years old,". Satomi face palm. The members widened their eyes, "EEEEEHHHHH???!!!!!!".


(A/N): Akemashite Omedetou!🎉🎊. I hope your 2020 will be great than last year.

[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now