Date Plan

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"(Y/N)-chan, let's hang out together tomorrow!". Minami invited you to hang out with her. You packed your things. It's already past school hours. The students gradually exited their classrooms.

You placed your hands together, "Gomene, Minacchin... I have plan tomorrow,". She frowned, "Is that so? What plan?". "Umm.. You see.. Darling asked me to go on a date. So-?!".

"Did someone said 'D.A.T.E'?!". "OMG! Is that you, (Y/N)- chan?". A pair of twins, Amamiya Rika (OC) and Amamiya Risa (OC) joined your conversation. They looked (super) excited. Minami sighed, "What's bring both of you here, Your Majesty?".

"Mi-Minacchin... It's not good to mock them,". "Yeah, don't be so cold, Minami. We're friends, right, Risa?". "Un!". "Ignore them, (Y/N)- chan,". "Eh? But-".Minami took your hand and ready to left when the twins blocked your way.

"Already going back? You're no fun! Come, let's chat with us~". The twins forced you to sit with them. They dragged along Minami. "Saa~ let's start our talk~". "Here we go again. The Queens of Gossips are here,". Minami face palm.

"Fufufu... Thanks for your compliment, Minami,". The twins giggled. Amamiya Twins also known as The Queens of Gossips since they loved to gossip. No gossips or hot rumours in this school can't escape from their 'radar'. That's why, Minami tried to avoid you from get involve with them.

"It's true that you'll go on date tomorrow?". *Nod* "That means, you have boyfriend?". *Nod*. Well, you're not lying about having boyfriend, technically. They squeaked like fangirls. Kyaaa~ "Who's the lucky guy? Is he hot? What's he look like?"."To think our cute friend got a boyfriend, is just too much!!!".

"Umm.. It's nothing really,". "Ne~ Who's your boyfriend?". "That's-". "Could it be The Prince, Yamaguchi Aizawa-kun?! He confessed to you before, right?" "Eh? Etto,". "Stop it, guys! You're making (Y/N)- chan uncomfortable!". Minami was angered. "And her hus- I meant, boyfriend isn't Aizawa-kun!".

"Minacchin...".The twins flinched."We're sorry, (Y/N)- chan.. Minami.. We're kinda overstepped our lines,". Both of them apologized to you, sincerely."Ah, it's fine.. Ano.. Since you're here.. I need your help,".

"What's it?"."As long we can atone for our sin, we'll do it!". You grasped hem of your skirt. "You see... Although we were marr- dating for almost 1 year.. but we never go on a proper date. So, I was wondering, what actually meant by proper date,".

The twins looked at each other and smiled,"No problem!". They then dragged (forced) both of you to go with them. "Whe-Where we're going to?". "Leave it to us! You come with us too, Minami!". "Yup! We're going to make your date so wonderful!".


3 days before...

Tch! Satomi stared blankly at the a pile of paperworks on his work station. It's about the plans or preparations for his birthday live concert. Like previous years, he never failed to organize his birthday live concert. He didn't want to disappoint his fans.

Satomi checked the lists."Let's see... Songs list, outfits, stage, venue, merchandises, capacity seats, how to make a great entrance, hand shake event...". Just read those lists made his eyes spinning. Uguu~ "I'm done for this!". He harshly placed his head on the table.

If you asked him of his opinions, he rather stayed home, playing the games all day. The less contact with society, is the better since he's Hikikomori. "No! I can't be like this! This for my fans who always support me! I have to be a positive person!".

Satomi stretched his numb body, "I should take a break. The concert will hold next 2 weeks. There's no need to rush anyways,". He tapped the pen continuously on the desk, feeling bored.

"Now... What should I do to kill this boredom? I wondered if My Love already figured out that matter... That's it!". *Laugh*. He laughed at his own stupidity. "How can I forced (Y/N)- chan to figure it when I, myself skip the most important part?".

Without wasting time, he switched on his computer and searched for useful informations. "As the one who always gave life advices included love advices to my listeners... I should able to plan it easily. They won't call me Otona-poi for nothing!".

His fingers running on the keyboard, tapping on the hiragana, fastly. Not long after that, "I'm done!". Satomi proudly looked at his plan. His smile grew wider, "It's perfect!".

Knock! Knock! You're reading you favourite novel when you heard someone knocking the door. The door was opened even you didn't say anything. Oh well, you already knew who's without even looking.

"My Love~". Satomi laid his bottom beside you. "What's it?"."Umm.. Are you free this Saturday? If you don't, then please clear it all!". "I don't have any plan. Why?". You raised your eyebrows.

Satomi held both of your hands. His sparkling orbs met yours. "The-Then.. Please go on da-date wi-with me!". His face slowly changed colour, "It's super embarrassing although she's already my wife!!!".

"...". You didn't know how to respond. "Is-Is that..a-a no?". Satomi looked at you with his almost cry face. Kyun~ "How can he made face like that?! Too much sugar!". "Ah! Of course the answer is yes!".

Satomi smiled brightly, "Then, I'm looking forward to our date!". "The first step, success!".


[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now