Sweet Date~ (3)

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"Damn! Where are you, (Y/N)- chan!!! You almost drive me insane!". Satomi kept running and running until he almost ran out of his stamina. Satomi even called your phone but can't reach you. "Could it be that her phone ran out of battery?".

*pant* He wiped his forming sweat. "I.. should not do that! It's all my fault!  I truly knew that she afraid of dark, but.. because of my ego.. my pride to show off... Damn! Damn! Damn!". "My Love... I swear, I'll find you. Just wait for me! If something happened to you, I won't forgive myself!".


"I see... So you're waiting for your boyfriend?". Aizawa sat beside you. He decided to accompany you until Satomi came fetched you (actually he just wanted to spent some time with his crush). *nod*.

A pair of envy eye watched you. "(Y/N)- chan... with a boy? I'm almost lost my sanity just to see her with another boy? I'll give him a good lesson~" .*inhale*. Satomi ran towards you while made worry expression, "My Love!". "Darling!". You stood and almost lost balance as he hugged you, "Yokatta! You're safe! I'm SORRY!".

Satomi began to fake cry, "I-I thought that I gonna lose you. Please don't leave me again, okay?". You ruffled his hair, "Yoshi!Yoshi! I'm here. It's not your fault. It's my fault that I didn't told you that I afraid of dark,". "He's crying like he's the one who got lost. This is reversing,". *laugh*

You forgot that Aizawa was there, watching the scene "By the way, Satomi-chan.. This is Yamaguchi-san. He's my schoolmate,". You introduced Aizawa. "Err..Ni-Nice to meet you. I-I'm Aizawa. Yamaguchi Aizawa,". "Satomi. I'm Satomi. (Y/N)-chan's SOULMATE,". He emphasized the word 'soulmate'.  They handshake with each other.

Satomi stared at him. The atmosphere around them somewhat intense. "Umm-". "Ne~ (Y/N)-chan. I'm hungry~ I used all of my energy to search you,". Satomi whined. He tugged your sleeve, repetitively. "Ah. I'll go buy something to you, okay?".

"I wanna crepes! Crepes~". He pointed to the crepe stall. It's kinda far from your current location but still within your sight. "I see. Which flavour do you want?". "I wanna the biggest size! And the special chocolate flavoured! I wanna 2 pieces!". He described like a little kid. "Okay, okay. I got it! Please stay here, okay?".

"Un! Itterasshai!". Satomi waved at you. You leave both of them to buy the crepes. Aizawa began to left when,"Where do you think you're going?". *halt*  "Err..I..". "Come, sit with me,". Satomi invited him to sit with him, "O-kay,".*awkward situation*. Satomi analysed him, "Navy blue eyes and black jet hair... No doubt, he's the one who has feeling towards My Love. Earlier, the way he looked at her also explain everything,".

His stare made the younger felt nervous. "Umm-". Satomi intervened him by poking his cheeks, "Ne, Ne.. Nii-chan. You know what? Satomi-chan is easily get jealous and selfish. So, Satomi-chan hate to share his 'eternal property' with someone else,". He stood and twirling around before he turned back to Aizawa. 

*flick forehead* Ouch! Aizawa rubbed his forehead. "Dakara sa, Nii-chan... you shouldn't take away my thing, okay? If you do, I'm afraid that you'll have to say 'bye bye' to this world sooner that you're suppose to,". Satomi threatened in adorable voice.

"Please stay away from (Y/N)-chan,". Satomi switched to his husky ikemen voice as he leaned forward to Aizawa's ear. It's enough to send shiver down his spine. "Ah, demo..". Satomi changed his position, standing right in front of Aizawa.

"If you obey this... I'll give you reward! Here, Satomi-chan's special pat!". Satomi patted Aizawa's head in childish manner. It created fuwa fuwa atmosphere around them. "Good boy~ Good boy~" Tee hee~♡. Satomi leave Aizawa who's lost in confusion and fear at the same time, approaching you.

Satomi took crepe from you, "Yeay~ Arigatou~". "Here!". Aizawa returned to the reality. "Huh?". Satomi handed him crepe,"Take this. As a thank for look after My Love,". "Ah! No need to-". "Could it be that... You hate me? Satomi-chan  just wanted to thank Aizawa,". Satomi saddened. *blush* "I'll take it!". "Too cute... What the hell is wrong with me?!".

Aizawa took the crepe and watched that lovey-dovey pair dissapeared from his sight."His aura... His charisma.. Totally extraordinary! His words were cute but dangerous. He managed to 'tame' his rival with that. Just, who's actually he?". *sigh* ."Now,I realized that I'm not on par with him. No wonder (L/N) chose him. I hope happiness will always be yours forever...".

He genuinely gave up his feeling on you. Aizawa took a bite, "Oishi~♡ Wait! I'm not gay, right? For blushing to a man who's probably older than me...". *confuse intensifies* "I... not... develop my.. feelings towards Satomi-san, right?". His soul slowly leave his body when he just realized that he had new crush on... a guy?


Where we're going?". You asked him. Satomi held your hand, "To finish our date, of course!". He smiled brightly, "Let's go~".


(A/N): Yeah... I had decided to update weekly, on Saturday/Sunday. Probably 1 or 2 chapters... By the way, is it consider as fanservice? UwU.

[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now