Past Memories

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Everyone were painted in red. Some of them already lost their consciousness. He stood in front of them, lost in the forest of confusion. He, himself also covered in blood. He looked at the floor when he felt someone tugged his clothes. *weak voice*  "Why.... you're doing... this?". The voice belonged to a man who immediately collapsed after he uttered those words.

"A-a...". He won't able to speak. "What I'm doing?". His mind was completely in a mess. He never meet neither that man nor  lying yet still alive men before. "Who are they? Where am I?".

He shivered. His body's trembling and his heart's beating rapidly. His breaths became unstable. He got strucked by sudden dizziness. All of sudden, everything became blurred and slowly faded away and darkness took over the place....



Satomi woke up after being kissed by ray of sunshine. He opened his eyes and slowly got up from the bed. "It's morning already,". The shines almost blinded his eyes as he drew the curtains. After that, he spent a few minutes of silent, alone on his bed.

"... I think I had a dream last night. Dream about men and... Oh well, it doesn't really important,". Satomi decided to went downstairs to has his lovely breakfast.


Living room...

Satomi had finished his breakfast. He wanted to go back to his bedroom but he cancelled his intention when he heard some voices came from living room. He went there to take a peek.

There, Mom was talking with a young woman. He never met that woman before, "Perhaps, she's our new neighbour? I see,". Feeling uninterested, Satomi's about to take his leave when Mom called him.

"Sacchan! Come here,". Satomi with his blank face approached the women. Mom smiled and introduced them, "Meet my only child, Sacchan,". She then looked at her son, "Sacchan... She's our new neighbour, Mrs. (L/N). Please greet her,".

"Konnichiwa, Sacchan. You're so kawaii! I'm pleased to be your neighbour!". Mrs. (L/N) smiled while gave her hand to him. *blink eye*  "Me too... Glad to meet you. Well, I shall take my leave now,". Satomi hurriedly went to his bedroom.

"Sacchan! Don't be so rude!". *sigh* "I'm sorry, (L/N)- chan... My son is always like that,". Mrs. (L/N) shook her head, "I don't mind. He's kinda interesting kid,". "Is that so?".


1 year passed...

Satomi's and (L/N)'s family had super close relationship like siblings. They're always took care of each other. It gave advantages to Satomi's parents. Since, they're busy with their job as chefs, they'll have to left Satomi alone at the house. Sometimes, they didn't have time to return when they participated in the competitions.

So, Satomi's was leave under (L/N) couple's care. (L/N) couple didn't have any child that they considered Satomi as their own child. They even asked him to call them 'Papa' and 'Mama'. Being as unemotional kid, Satomi accepted it without any objection.

To that kid, everything's plain and nothing had change in his life even after (L/N) couple appeared. However, his world began to change when...


Satomi stared at Mama. Right now, both of his parent and (L/N) couple in the house to have lunch together. "Sacchan.. Why you didn't eat? Is my cooking bad?". Mom asked him. Sure, her son always quiet and has unreadable look but it seemed that he got distracted by something.

"No... I love Mom's cooking.. It just...". Satomi turned to Mama. "Mama... Are you.. gain weight?". *choke* "Sacchan!". Mom shouted. Dad pinched his cheeks, "Sacchan, you should know that it's insensitive to ask that question  to a woman,". "Itai...". Dad released his hands,"Now, please apologize to Mama, okay?".

*Nod* "I'm sorry,". Mama and Papa smiled, "I forgive you,". "You're sharp, Sacchan,". "Uh?". Papa placed his hand on his wife's stomach, "Actually, your Mama gain weight because of baby!". *silence* "Eh?! Baby?! (L/N)- chan... You're pregnant?!". Mom's eyes sparked with joy."Congratulations, (L/N)-kun,". Dad congratulated Papa.

"Baby?". Satomi unfazed by the news. He didn't understand why everyone felt happy. "Yes, a baby. Sacchan...". Mama lowered her height, "You'll become big brother,"."Me? Big brother?". Satomi thought to himself.

"That's why, Sacchan, would you protect your little one when the time comes?". Papa asked him. "Protect...". Somehow that word attracted him. "If I have someone to protect.. then.. my life will be more lively, right?".

"Then, this baby will become mine?". "Interesting,". Satomi tried to curve his lips into a smile but failed. So he just nodded.  "Only if you promise to protect this baby. So.... Your decision?". Satomi closed his eyes before opened them, "I will do it,".


9 months later...

"Welcome to the world... my little angel, (Y/N)- chan. I... no... Nii-san will protect you from the evilness of this world. That's my swear,".


(A/N): Sorry for late update. I actually had no idea to link the chapter, so this chapter was pretty messed up and dull.

Yeah, this new arc is focus on Satomi. One more, in this arc, Satomi's will be super duper OOC. So, sorry if you felt uncomfortable. Please forgive your Author-chan T_T.

Hope you enjoy this chapter~ Let's meet again~

[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now