Name Tales

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Satomi was worried. Mama seemed really tired. With her big tummy, it was so hard to move around freely. "Mama... Daijobou ka?". "Sac..chan.. I... think.. the.. baby's going to be born,". *panic* ... "I see. I'll call the ambulance. Please hang on, Mama,". Although, he's panicked since it just two of them, he able to keep his usual calm composure.

"It's not the right time to panic. I'm the one who can help Mama right now,". Satomi began to call the ambulance. He also called his parents and Papa who were at their workplaces, to inform them. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.



Satomi and his parents waited patiently in the waiting room. Mama was inside labour room with Papa to give her some motivations. Few hours had passed since she's inside that room. No sign that the doctor will come out from the room.

"Sacchan,". Dad called him, softly. Satomi looked up to meet his eyes, "Yes?". "I hope that you didn't forget your promise with Papa,". "Don't worry, I still remember it,". Dad placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "Good,".

*sound of cry* Crying sound came from inside of the room. A few minutes later, doctor came out. Mom approached her, "How about (L/N)- chan, doctor? Is she safe?". The doctor smiled," Congratulations, Mrs. (L/N) had gave birth to a healthy baby girl! Both of them are safe,".

Mom beamed with excitement, "Really?" *nod* "You can visit them now.. Well, excuse me,". Mom thanked her. "Did you heard that? Come! let's visit them,".


Mama was resting on the bed while Papa held the baby. Both of them were smiling when they saw their guests. "Sacchan,". Mama waved to him. Satomi slowly walked towards her. Mama took the baby from her husband.

*smile* "Look! This is your little sister. Kawaii ne?". Mama showed the baby to Satomi. Satomi stared at the little ones. (s/c) skin, tinted plump cheeks and small fingers, she looked so perfect in his eyes.

"Such a beauty...I... want to touch her...". Unconsciously, Satomi outstretched his hand towards Mama. Mama seemed to know his intention. She gently handed the baby to him.

"Sacchan!" Mom spoked. "It's okay,". Mama reassured her. "Be careful, Sacchan,". Satomi held the baby awkwardly. He can felt that his empty heart filled with gentle feeling. He held her for a long time."So warm...".

"So... What's her name, (L/N)- kun?". Dad asked Papa. "Aha... We never decided it yet...". Papa nervously chuckled. "Yeah... What should we name her?". Mama asked him.

"That... Seriously, if you spontaneously asked me to give her name, I have no idea... Uh... Oh!". Papa darted his eyes to Satomi who obediently listened to their conversation, "Why won't you named her, Sacchan?".

"Cho-chotto matte, (L/N)- kun, she's your daughter... So, it's appropriate for you to give her name,". Dad voiced his disagreement. "Sou da! Besides, Sachhan is still a kid. He probably won't able to come up with a good name,". Added Mom.

"It's totally okay. We trust in Sacchan, right, honey?". Papa turned to Mama. "Yes... She's Sacchan's little sister after all,". "We understand..". All of the pairs of eyes cast on the dark raspberry haired, "So, Sacchan... Have you come up with her name?".

"Give me a minute,". Satomi closed his raspberry coloured eyes and began to think, "A name... name that perfectly suited her. The name that's special and only belong to her.A name that dear to me.. What's it? Ahh...".

Satomi opened his eyes. He looked at the baby who's in his arm and softly spoke, "(Y/N)- chan,". "Uh?". The four adults can't heard it clearly. Satomi raised her head and repeated in clear tone, "(Y/N)... Her name is (Y/N)- chan!".

"(Y/N), eh?". "(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)..". "Oh!!! What a good name!". "As I expected, you never fail to surprise us, Sacchan!". They looked very satisfied with his suggestion. Papa took the baby from Satomi. *clear throat* "Ahem! Then, our daughter's name is (Y/N).. (L/N)(Y/N)... Welcome to (L/N) family, (Y/N)- chan,".

Satomi watched the scene. He sure that if he able to make expression, he would be smile at that time. *deep breath* His raspberry eyes gazed on you. "Welcome to the world... my little angel, (Y/N)- chan. I... no... Nii-san will protect you from the evilness of this world. That's my swear,".


2 years later...

"Gomene, Sacchan. (Y/N)-chan seemed really took liking to you. I'm sure that you're felt really uncomfortable,". Mama apologized to the young boy. *shook head* "Nah.. I didn't mind,". Answered the fifth grader. You tugged his sleeve repetitively as he came near you, "Chanchan... Chanchan.. Do wu wanta play wif me?".

Satomi gave gentle yet still blank look to you, "Of course,". You jumped in exhilaration, "Yay~ Chanchan is da best! I wuv you!". You hugged him. Satomi tenderly stroked your head, "I love you too,".

"(Y/N)- chan..." Mama called you. "Uh-un?". "It's not good to call Sacchan by his name. He's older than you. You should proper address him,". Mama advised you. "Ooki!". "It's not really a matter, Mama,". *strict* "No! She has to be a proper lady with beautiful manners,". "O..kay?".

"No choice,huh?"."Then, (Y/N)- chan... since I'm your older brother ...". Satomi bent to you. "How about you call me, 'Nii-san'?". "Nii... san..? Nii-san! Ohh!!!! Nii-san, Nii-san! Nii-san,". Once again you hugged Satomi. "Nii-san, daiiii~chuuu~ki!".


(A/N): Another flashback chapter... Since it's focus on Satomi & reader relatioship in the past,NO ROMANCE here... hope you wouldn't mind. I'll write a few more chapters before I go back to the present. If you dislike it, just skip it.

So far, what did you think? Please give your opinions/feedbacks. Author-chan desperately wanna know what Readers-chan were thinking...

Stay safe & stay tune for the next chapter, Readers-chan... Bye bye~

[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now