Hospital Visit

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Time skip...

Gloom... Your days were gloomy like a cloudy days, since that night. After Satomi lost consciousness, due to a great blood loss, he had admitted to the hospital. To be precise, it's almost 5 days, he's in the hospital. Even though Satomi protested and wanted to go home, the doctor won't let him to do so. Of course, you're kinda lonely but you threw aside that feeling. This was because he's still in weak condition after all.

"Muu~". You lazily placed your head on the desk. The school already ended and everyone went home or hang out together. Some of them stayed at the school because of their after-school activities. You didn't felt to rush home, "No one will greet me after all... I meant, I still have Hina-chan, but it won't same without Darling,".

"(Y/N)-chan? You're not going home?". A soft voice called you. You looked to the voice's owner. She's Tanaka Minami (OC), your best friend. You had been friends since middle school. She's the closest person to you, excluding your family.

"Minacchin...". You called her. She took a seat in front of you, "Hey, what's wrong? You were not cheerful lately. You can tell me your problems. I'll lend my ears,". She comforted you. Her words touched your heart."Actually, I'm worry about my Darling,".

"Darling? You meant your husband?". You nodded. She's the only one in the school who knew that you're married. Even the teachers don't know about your marriage. You kept it secret from them by not changing your last name. You told them that Satomi's your boyfriend whenever your friends caught you. You spent your time with Minami, by telling her everything.



Whack! Nanamori smacked the soft pinkhead as soon he arrived at his room. "Gaah?! Itai! What're you DOING?!". Satomi confused. Who will hit the patient on their visit?! "That's what you get for made us worry,". Nanamori had switched on his motherly side.

"You know how panic (Y/N) at that time?! She called me and others.. bla... bla... bla..." Nanamori started to blab. No one can stop him. Satomi plugged his ears while the others just laughed. "I got it... I got it,". Satomi made bored face.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!". Nanamori pouted. "Ahahah~♡,". Satomi pulled Nanamori, closed to him and lifted his chin up, "I know that our mother worried about me. But, Naa~kun... I promise I'll be fine. So, don't worry about me too much, okay?". Satomi said gently as he stroked Nanamori's head.

Blush! "E-Etto...". "Naa-kun is blushing!". "Are you swing that way, Naa-kun?". "Naa-kun, Satomi-kun already married. Just move on, please!". "That's right!". "You don't want to be (Y/N)'s rival, right?". Everyone teased him. "Hey! I'm not-". Satomi cut Nanamori's sentences. "Hai~ Don't tease Naa~kun too much~ Or perhaps you're jealous?".

Satomi pulled all of them towards him, "If you're jealous, don't shy to ask me. Fufufu~ Kawaii~☆". It's impossible to hug 5 people at same time, so he took turn to do so. Even though he's not fully recover and felt pain everytime he extended his hand, he ignored it. He just wanted to tease his little members.

"Satomi-kun..." "Ouch! Itai!". Satomi groaned in pain as Root accidently grasped tightly his bandage hand. "Ah! Gomenasai, Satomi-kun,". Root felt guilty. "Nah,.. I'm.. okay..". Satomi hid his true feeling with a smile. "I don't want to worry them anymore! This is my business with him after all,".

"Are you sure?". Jel asked him with untrusted look. "Of course! You can touch it or grasp it all you want. I don't feel pain at all,". Lied Satomi. "If you say so..". Riinu touched the bandages. Tch! Satomi clicked his tongue. "S-See.. It's.. not painful..". Satomi forced his smile.

"Damn! It's so hurt... I have to bear with it,". "Hora! I knew that you're lying! Satomi-kun!". Colon raised his hoarse voice. "Colon...". Colon didn't talked much since his throat was hurt from screaming on that night, but he didn't wanted Satomi to hide his pain. No... everyone also think like him...

"Is that true?". "Why you didn't tell us?"."Aren't we a family?". "You... didn't trust us?". 5 pairs of teary eyes darted to him, demanded the answers. "Uwaaahh... Gomenasai!". Traffic light children started to cry.

Luckily, they're in private room, that no patient in there expect Satomi. Satomi became panicked, "Ah. Do-Don't cry!". He looked at Jel and Nanamori with 'Help me' expression.

Nanamori sighed, "Guys.. Stop bothering him. He need to heal. How can he heal fast if we're disturbing him? So, please stop act like a kid,". He lectured the traffic light children. They silenced.

"Sorry...". All of them apologized to Satomi. "Nah.. It's fine. I know that you're worried about me. Let's drop this subject, okay?". He smiled genuinely. "I see. I think we should take our leave-". "Nonono! Please stay a little longer. I'm bored!". Satomi threw a tantrum.

He really felt bored, so he glad if they're staying with him a little longer. "As you wish. But, we're out of idea to talk about,". Pom! "I know!". They turned to emerald eyes. He smirked, "Ne, Satomi-kun~ Remember what you promised on our last meeting?".

The others gave him devilish look Satomi face palm, "Fine!".



You reached at home, "Tadaima! Hina-chan!". The orange Munchkin approached you. You ruffled him, "Sorry, you must feel lonely, right?". Meow~. "Sorry again. I wanted to accompany Darling tonight. So, please take care of the house, okay?".

You began to pack some necessities after took a quick shower. Since, tomorrow's weekend, you decided to take care of Satomi, by staying in the hospital for a whole night, "Ne~ Are you feeling lonely too, Satomi-chan?".


(A/N): Sorry that reader didn't has a big screentime in this chapter...

[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now