Parent's Blessings

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"Muu~I wondered what Papa and Mama were talking with him. It's almost 2 hours!". You waited for them to come out of living room, impatiently."He's shockingly dauntless and well-mannered at the same time. I meant, who will meet the parent if they have chance to abduct someone that they like, right?".

Finally, they came out of living room. Both of your parent's faces were brighter than usual, which made you felt curious. Satomi grinned. "What's happening?". They took no notice of your question. Instead, they talked to Satomi cheerfully.

"Sacchan, it's already dinner time. Please eat with us, okay?". Mama invited him to has dinner with them. "Thank you, Madam,". He said politely. "What's with that honorific, Sacchan? You can call us Mama and Papa,". Papa nodded before added, "You're a part of our family after all,".

You felt marginalized. "Family?What they're talking about?". You felt jealous when Satomi got attentions from your parent. "Ha-Hai... Uh, Pa-Papa... Ma-Mama,". Satomi addresed your parent, 'Papa' and 'Mama' as he cover his mouth with his long uniform sleeve which covered up his hand, awkwardly.

Kyun~♡ You can felt your heart full of warmth feelings when you saw him doing that pose. "He's super duper kawaii~ Is him really a man? He's bishounen type,". You lost in your own world, doubting if Satomi really a man...

"I better cook right now,". Said Mama. "Ah. About that... I wanted to take out you all for dinner,". Satomi uttered his opinion. "Don't burden yourself, Sacchan. Your Mama is gonna cry, you know?". Papa rejected his invitation politely.

"I see... However, let me take charge of cooking, Papa,". Satomi said with straight forward look. Papa let out a soft sigh, "You never change, huh? That serious side of yours. Fine,". "It's fine, Sacchan-". "Mama, please trust these chefs' blood that running inside me,". He looked so serious. "O-Okay,". Both of your parent gave up and let he did the cooking.

Your jaws dropped, "How did he managed to convince Papa and Mama easily even though they just met? Who actually he is?".


When Satomi was busy cooking in the kitchen, you took the opportunity to dig out his informations from your parent, "Ne, Papa, Mama? What were you discussing about with him? And why you're so fond of him although he's completely stranger?".

"Talk about yourself, (Y/N)-chan. Why did you followed man who's you called stranger?". Mama scolded you. You rubbed your cheek, embarrassed. "You should be more careful, my daughter. You're fortunate enough that you met Sacchan,". Papa read the book. "Ano-". "Dinner is ready,". Satomi cut your sentence. All of you went to the dining room.


"Thanks for the meals. It's surprisingly good, Sacchan,". Mama praised Satomi's cookings. "It's nothing really,". Satomi flustered. Ahem! Papa cleared his throat, "I have an announcement to make,".

He looked at you, "After we're discussing, (Y/N)- chan... Papa and Mama had came to an agreement. You will marry Sacchan. And the date is set to be in the next month,".

"... Why?". You're speechless. "It's for your sake. After all, we're worried that you're living alone in that urban city. So, we're truly grateful if someone take care of you,". Mama explained to you. "And, Sacchan is the one who understand you the most, aside from us,".

"...". "Ah, but of course, we'll never force you, (Y/N)- chan. We'll take consideration in your opinions as well. So, we're asking you, do you agree with our decision?".

"Marry? Well, it's Papa and Mama's choice. They always give me the best choice after all. And, I admitted that I kinda fond of him as well". You took a deep breath,"I agreed,". Papa nodded. He already knew that since you're obedient kid, you won't disobey your parent no matter the reasons.

Satomi's lips curved into sweet smile. He held himself not to overreact. "It's settled, then. Sacchan, since it's already late night, you will sleep in guest room tonight. You can send her tomorrow, okay?". Satomi nodded. "Thank you very much!".Satomi slept at your parent's house that night.


Next morning...

The next morning, he ready to send you back to your rent house. Before both of your leave, Papa said something to him, alone.

"Sacchan, please take care of my daughter. Make sure she arrived at home safely. If needed, please stay with her. Ah, but please hold back yourself until you marry her, okay? Even though I wanna grandchildren right now~". Papa winked, gave Satomi 'green light' in teasing manner.

Satomi blushed, "Etto..". *Laugh* Papa tapped his shoulder, "I took back my words, Sacchan. You already changed. Time sure has flown fast,". "...". Satomi knew what he meant by.

"Ittekimasu, Papa, Mama,". Both of you waved your hands to your parent. "Don't forget to come home next 2 weeks! For your wedding preparations!". Mama reminded both of you.

"We will!".


[DISCONTINUED] My Lovely Satomi-chan (Satomi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now