Trust me

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"Thor!" Tony called as he ran to him. Stephen decided that he would talk to Loki again. Loki noticed that Stephen was feeling down so he asked if he was alright:

"You okay Steph?" Loki asked as Stephen sadly nodded.

"Uh...yeah, just tired" Stephen replied as he chuckled softly, Loki can tell that he was lying, afterall he was the God of Lies. Even if he knew that Stephen was just faking it, he let it pass...for now.

"So, why is Hella back?" Stephen asked as he clapped his hands, making Loki shocked.

"I'm not sure why, I thought we killed her on asgard" Loki sadly said as he still couldn't process why she's still alive. Stephen sighed, knowing that he couldn't push him any further since he still had the trauma of seeing asgard's destruction.

"Thanks..." Stephen sadly smiled as he patted Loki's shoulder. He grabbed a glass of water as he needed to chill himself. His thoughts were interrupted when someone held his back. He turned around to see Tony, making him surprised.

"Hey, any information with Loki?" Tony asked as Stephen shaked his head negatively, making both men sigh.

"We'll just have to find Hella" Stephen said, making Tony nod.

"I-I don't think that Earth will be safe, I mean- Thor and Loki destroyed asgard to kill Hella" Tony said in a panicked tone. As much as scared Stephen was for everyone, he tried his best to comfort Tony.

"It'll be okay, we'll be okay" Stephen said in an assuring tone, making Tony calm down. Both were interrupted when Maria Hill called Tony and Stephen.

"She's at Queens, I think her first target is Peter" Maria Hill informed Tony, making him confused.

"How many days has she been staying here" Tony asked as Maria Hill checked the information on the folder.

"3 days" She said as Tony's eyes widened.

"I announced two days before this party, and the guests are publicly displayed. She would've known" Tony said as his face turned into a look of frustration. However, Stephen realized what her plan is.

"If she's going to queens, well her first target isn't Peter...Its Aunt May" Stephen said as terror filled Peter's face. Peter immediately tried to escape in the tower as Tony stopped him, now realizing Hella's plan.

"Don't go there kid!" He raised his voice in worry as Peter was trying to escape from his grip, tears falling down from his face.

"Please Mr.Stark, I can't lose her!" Peter yelled as Stephen interrupted them.

"If she's going to queens, Aunt May would be her bait to kill Peter?" Stephen asked as Tony nodded, Peter's eyes widen at the situation, now realizing her plan.

"Don't worry kid, we'll save her" Tony assured Peter as he calmed down. Stephen activated a portal to queens as he and Tony both entered.


"I really hate to admit it especially since it you but I'm hella scared" Tony made a joke as both of them walked towards Peter's place. Stephen rolled his eyes since he thinks that its unnecessary to make a joke on a serious matter. However, when he took a glance at Tony, he saw how scared he was. He thought of a way to calm him down so he held his hand, as much as he hated it, he had to do it. Tony looked at Stephen with anger as he removed his hand from Stephen's grip.

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