Things left unsaid

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Things that were kept hidden for so long that it started to seem normal. Things that should've been said but were buried deep inside the heart. Things that could've been expressed but it was too late.

It was too late for Christine to tell how she felt towards her best friend. She knew what was bound to happen and that she is ready to face the truth

But the fear of losing her, the fear of having that awkward feeling as if they were just strangers scare her

She couldn't confess before. She can't take the risk of losing someone that is important to her

"She deserves to know"

But now, she's ready

Christine sighed as she knew that Tony had a point. Tony was right, she needed to know the truth. She sighed as the door suddenly opened, revealing Pepper who was in confusion


She stared at the latter as the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Christine took a deep breath before inviting Pepper to sit on the nearest couch

"Let's talk"


After that talk and confession, Pepper remained silent. As expected, Christine knew what would happen. Pepper turned to face her with an apologetic look

"I'm sorry, I can't "

She said as Christine smiled and stood up

"I know"

Pepper was silent for a few minutes. It was awkward, but at least there was honesty
"I'm leaving, take care"

Christine said as Pepper stood still on her place, not doing anything to stop Christine. It did hurt but it was all happening anyway

She finally accepted the fact that things wouldn't be the same around them anymore.


Tony was staring at the sky as he pulled out his phone

[42 notifications]

He checked it all but to his dismay, there was no notification from Stephen.

No updates from him


He hated how he just left without a proper goodbye. He tried to call him but seconds passed

Minutes passed

Then to hours

...There was no response

Tony sighed. He really did let him go huh

He tried to contact him by text, hoping that he would reply

Hey! How are you doing there?


Days passed by so quickly yet there was no response. Everyone started to forget him, its like he didn't even exist in the first place

But not for Tony. He still didn't lost hope. He wanted to know how he was doing and if he's still thinking of him


Days turned to months and then to years. Its been 5 years since Tony and Stephen had contact. He missed him very much

So many events happened. For some reason, Pepper delayed the wedding and stopped planning it. The bond between them slowly withered as if it was a flower that is reaching its final days.

Rhodes became furious on how Tony would become so stubborn and try to contact Stephen every single day. Christine came back to check on the others, but the two never even talked or took a glance at each other

And with all these years, Tony never stopped in trying to contact Stephen, still keeping that hope that he would someday, contact him too.

The only thing that never changed after all this years, was Tony's feelings for Stephen. And now, its stronger than before.

He still had so many things that he needed to tell him

So many things that he wanted to express. He wanted to express how happy he is when he's with him, how he's calmed when Stephen cheered him up, how sad he was when Stephen left

If all he had to do is to wait for his response, then he'd gladly do it

All because of the things that he buried deep within his heart

All because of the things left unsaid

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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