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Honey eyes
Who knew they could be filled with lies
I hate the fact that you try to hide
Your throbbing feeling deep inside...

"Stephen!" Wong called him making him jump from his seat. He immediately hid what he was writing. He looked at Stephen with a confused look.

"You look like you have seen a ghost" Wong asked with his stoical expression. Stephen just shrugged and smiled.

"Maybe I did" Stephen made a joke, causing Wong to chuckle. He then took a cup of green tea and before drinking it, he asked Wong:

"Besides, what made you call me?" Stephen asked with a smile.

"We're here"


He decided to go to the tower to see the avengers and especially, the man who he had a deep connection with, the man whom he started to develop feelings, his friend who was always there, the man who will be forever carved in his heart...

...Tony Stark

He made a portal to the lobby only to see Peter. When he stepped into the tower, Peter immediately greeted him in a warm hug, causing Stephen to smile.

"Doctor Strange!" Peter yelled in a cheerful tone, causing Stephen to smile.

"Call me Stephen kid" Stephen hugged Peter tighter and for a few minutes, they stayed in that position. After the hug, Peter told a lot of things that happened to him ever since he left. He started to talk about his moments with his best friend Ned, his studies, and his crush mj. Stephen decided to do the same, he told Peter the new spells that he and Wong discovered and how they accidentally turned a student into a dragon, it never failed to amaze Peter and it warmed Stephen's heart. After the talk Stephen decided to ask something that changed the whole atmosphere:

"By the way, where's Tony?" Stephen asked with a smile. Peter's happy look instantly turned into a face of sadness. Peter decided to pat Stephen's back for the news he's about to tell.

"H-he...He's with Pepper and he just announced earlier t-that he likes girls now and he-" Peter was stuttering and Stephen was in shock. He wanted to know the reason why he became bisexual. He started to recall what Peter just said and the puzzle pieces start to put together. He knew the reason and even if he tried to deny the thought, it obviously was the fact.

"Pepper" Stephen said in a whisper. Peter didn't clearly understood what he said so he tried to ask so that he would know what he meant by Pepper.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked with a confused look, his brows furrowed and his hand placing on his head. Stephen, on the other hand, was full of despair. He wanted this to be a dream, the fact that Tony is bisexual, that Tony might not have feelings for him, him being in love with Pepper...

...It rips him apart.

"Tony is in love with..." Stephen said sadly as he lowered his head to the ground, his eyes darting to the floor and Peter noticing his eyes turn into a darker shade of blue. Peter can sense how much he was in despair and how it affected him so much.

"w-with who?" Peter asked sadly drowning in Stephen's eyes which are full of grief, sorrow and pain while he notices Stephen's hand trembling. Stephen hesitated to answer but he felt the need to answer Peter's painful question.


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