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Izuku's POV

As the 3 pro hero's came in to take there seats I sensed someone watching me from the other side of the window. I turned to look but all I saw was myself, but I know who it was. None other than All Might. I gave a slight chuckle.

One the other side of the mirror All Might was watching just in case something was to go wrong, but he was also curious as to why the green haired male in the middle glared at him so. I mean it was normal for a villain to hate me, but I feel like I've meet him before. I put my hand on my chin to think when I noticed he was looking in my direction. He had a creepy smile plastered on his face as if her knew I was there watching. That's when he spoke up.

"So how longs All Might gonna stand there?" I asked not turning away from the glass. I could tell he was on edge along with the other pros but I felt him leave that other room all completely. I turned back to the pros as if nothing happened. But I could feel everyone's gaze on me in the room. I was a little suffocating. "Can we go ahead and get to the questions?" I asked not carding for the attention in the small room.

The lie detector coughed and then held up a sheet of paper. "I want you to be honest and tell me if the information on the paper is right!" He cleared his throat again then spoke.

"Name: Toga Himako
Age: 14
Quirk: Transformation?" He asked and she shook her head yes. Afterwards she started playing with my hair and it was annoying but I let her. Next he went to Dabi.

"Name: Dabi ????
Age: 16
Quirk: Cremation?" He asked again and Dabi replied with a yes and he continued in to me.

"Name: ???? ????
Age: ?
Quirk: ????!" He sounded shocked but I was rather happy. The day I left I destroyed any evidence that I was ever alive, and by stopping them from saying my name the kid know as Izuku Midoryia was dead!

"Care to tell us those things?" The sleeping bag spoke up which I didn't even know Aizawa had!

"Hmmmm. I can tell you my name is now Deku... and I'm quirkless!" At the end of my sentence I gave a smile as if nothing was out of the ordinary. But the fact that someone with out a quirk was a villain was rare.

"What about your age?" He asked still shocked from my last answer.

I thought for a moment then told them,"Try and guess!" I said with a mischievous smile. Both Dabi and Toga looked as if they had saw a ghost and both suddenly started shaking me and telling me not to. I slapped them both on the head and made them sit back down.

"It's not that bad!" I said. They both looked like I had flat out lied.

"You and me both know what happened last time you said for someone to guess your age!" I thought for a moment and remember. I used my age as a type of life of death question. If I caught you and considered your worth I would play a game to see if they would live.... no one ever lived!

"Oh yeah!" I said cheery and Dabi hit me over the head.

"Don't you dare ask me to hold you back!" I just chuckled and rubbed my head.

"So any answers?" I asked playful. They all looked unsure except the bear.

"I'll let you two go first! Give an answer and then I'll give mine!" He looked too certain of my age while he took a sip of his tea that like Aizawa's sleeping bag appeared out of no where.

"But! I want to make a deal! If I guess near your age or your age you and your friends have to go to UA under our new rehabilitation program!" I laughed genuinely for the first time in a long time. I had never heard a deal like this! It was fun and I was down to play.

"Alright little bear! You got yourself a deal, but to get close to my age you have to be one number off!" We agreed and each had one guess.

Aizawa guessed- 12
I was in the verge of killing them but his excuse was my size.
Next was the lie detector- 15
He was the fact it would line up nicely if I was in the middle. I sighed at the stupid idea.
Last was the bear. He stared at me for a long time before replying-19! I laughed for a moment then I remembered something. I always set my age back a number to make it look more realistic on my age.

"Uggggg Damn it!" I said throwing my head in the table. Everyone looked confused except the bear.

"How was that right?" Dabi asked? "Your not a number near that?" I sighed not wanting to explain the reason I changed my age.

"He's right... it's not my age but close!" For some reason I felt like everyone was trying to figure out how I was 20 when I was 18. The smaller number didn't even register with them.

"Anyways when are we going to that stupid hero school?" I asked looking up slightly from the table.

"School has already started but you three will move into the dorms tomorrow! We have already prepared for the program we just needed students. There is a 4th floor you guys will have rooms there. After you settle in you will be given one day to get used to it, and then school!" He said very cheerful.

"Are there any rules?" Toga asked? She had stayed quiet up till this point. She understood the situation and decided not to say anything.

One: don't kill anyone!
Second: there is a curfew! It's at 10.
Third: get along with your classmates and don't start fights!" Three little rules and I knew they weren't going to sit right with me. If a certain someone had gotten in then I know that two of the three rules would be broken.

"What class are we going to be in?" I asked.

"Your gonna be in Mr Aizawa's class! 1-A!"

"Well sorry expect some fighting then! Me and someone in that class don't get along too well!" I said smirking. Everyone was curious but I was too tired to tell them who. "I'm tired I want to sleep." I told them and they escorted us back to our cells for the night.

"Good night guys.." I said before falling off to one of the worst dreams I could have.... my past!

Author's Note

Hello hope you like the story so far! I'm enjoying it! Expect this to be mostly Izuku's POV mainly I don't want to swap too much. Any other person I will make into third person's.

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