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Izuku's POV

By the time we had finished the game it was around midnight. Eventually Dabi and Toga has passed out in the floor from all the alcohol. Me and Uraraka carried everyone who was on the floor back to the dorms. The ones in the couch were tangled up together and were to difficult to move.

"Hey Uraraka?" I called from the kitchen and she poked her head around the corner to see me.

"Yeah?" She asked still a little red from the closet trip.

"Do you want a midnight supper?" I turned holding a pan and she smiled.

"Of course!" She grinned hard at the fact that she could eat together with him ignoring the fact that he was a villain.

After about 10 minutes he eventually made to bowls of katsudon.

"Do you want to go outside and eat?" I asked handing the bowl to her but she looked worried.

"Is it not going to be too cold out side?" She asked and I chuckled.

"I have a small quirk surrounded by heat. I can expel heat from my body to warm the area up!" I told her wanting to see her reaction. She seemed impressed and agreed. Not like it was a total lie or anything just wanted to see her reaction.

We sat and talked till about 3 about useless things. Nothing was important in the conversation and I liked it. I was considered normal by a girl I had known for less then a week. Everything was normal till she asked one question.

"So... do you have any family outside of Dabi and Toga?" She asked out of curiosity and nothing more. I just looked down and didn't attempt to say anything.

In two separate minds there were two separate augments. One in Uraraka's in trying to figure out if she had just asked something that would make the boy hate her. And two Izuku who was trying to decide if he should say the truth or make up a lie.

Eventually the silence was broken.

"Yes.... I do... I just don't talk about them very much..." I avoided her eye contact and gave a rather obviously fake smile. What I didn't expect was a hug from the small girl. What surprised me more was the fact that she was crying. I started panicking not knowing what to do in the situation. I ended up paying her on the head trying to calm her while also pulling her into a hug.

"Why are you crying?" I asked calmly trying to pull her away so I could see her face but she just hugged me tighter and dug her head deep into my chest.

"I... I thought I asked something that would make you hate me!" She said between sobs. I let out the breath I was holding.

"That's what you were so worried about!?" I asked chuckling a little.

"I'm never going to be able to dislike you." I said wrapping my arms around her. I will never understand why this little girl was crying over a villain like me. I won't. But I won't lie when I say she became something more to me that night.

~Around 7~

We were caught with drinking and other things so early in the morning. Mr Aizawa came to check on us and everyone was in a hungover besides me and Uraraka. He ended up lecturing us for a hour and assigned us punishments for the weekend.

Mine was to get groceries with Uraraka. I was surprised since he still thought of me as a villain yet he was allowing me to leave the school campus.

After taking a shower, and putting on casual clothes me and Uraraka headed to the mall. There were a few things there we need but it was also to have fun.

"Hey Izuku?" I turned to see the brunette blushing while looking down at the ground. I guess she would have attempted to cover her blush if not for the bags.

"Do you think.... this could be l-like our first date?" She stuttered out and I chuckled and grinned grabbing her bags from her. It gave me an excuse to lean into her ear.

"What ever you want Ochaco~!" When I pulled away she was in a blushing mess from me calling her by her first name. While I just gave an innocent smile.

"T-then y-yes Izuku!" She said still blushing but happy. We continued shopping with me holding all the bags. We were stopped by an old lady who needed help from the top shelf. I grabbed it for her and she thanked me and said how polite I was for carrying everything for my girlfriend. At this old woman's comment it made even me blush. She noticed and just smiled and quickly left.

We laughed it off and continued shopping. All the bags we had we had put in a car that had drove us to the mall. We were trusted enough to go but I guess not enough to return.

I grabbed Ochaco's hand and pulled her away to a park after telling the driver. He seemed chill because he gave me a thumbs up.

We walked through the park. It was close to 9 and not many where there. Surprisingly. We walked to a forest that I knew to well. It was the first where me and Kacchan had played. I told her a few stories about us when we were young and she laughed at each one.

"Wow! It's hard to believe you and Bakugo used to be such good friends!" She giggled as we sat in a shaded clump of grass.

"Yeah.... I guess it is." I said laying down.

"What happened?" She asked again just out of curiosity.

"Well lets see.... first let me ask you a question~! How old are you?" She looked surprised and wondered what this was for.

"I'm almost 15." She answered looking again even more curious.

"Aren't you the same as me?" She asked and I just shook my head.

"How old do I look to you?" I asked this time myself out of curiosity.

"The most you'd look is 16!" She said with a little laugh.

"I'm 18." I said and she looked like her mind stopped working and was trying to process what had just happened.

"What do you mean your 18?" She asked confused at this.

"That would make you 4 years older than us!" I just nodded. I guess I was going to end up telling her my story.

"Yep I am but when I met Kacchan I had lied about my age telling him I was 4..."

"Why would you do that?" She asked eyes as curious as a cat.

"Well my first 8 years of life where horrible... I wanted to start over and with that someone send me back in time... already my body." I said turning to look salt the sky. It left her confused but she didn't press. As I went to sit up she tackled my back. She was once again crying. I sighed pulling her to my chest while tears streamed down her face.

"I don't know what happened in your life to make you a villain but... I hope you'll tell me some day!" She said while tears continued to roll down her face.

I just chuckled," why is it that I'm in love with a cry baby?" She was blushing and was surprised that when I pulled her away she didn't notice. Instead she  did notice my kiss on her lips. I pulled away and she again looked disappointed. I chuckled picking her up bridal style and carried her back to the car that was waiting for us at the entrance to the park. The driver had a smug look and I winked.

That was the end of mine and Ochaco's first date!

Author's Note

Hello thank you for reading I hope you liked this chapter. I know nothing happened but it's going to get real serious soon. Hope you liked and follow me, also if you have any ideas for another story you would like me to write please comment!

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