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Izuku's POV

'How did I end up in this situation?' I asked myself while internally sighing as I glanced around the student dorms at a class full of drunk embarrassed 16 year olds.

Everyone was a type of drunk wether it be passed out asleep that no one could wake up or the type that attempts to pole dance. Every student of class 1-A was drunk except me and a girl who was too embarrassed by a dare to continue drinking. Even Kacchan who said the game was stupid was now passed out drunk on the sofa.

I slapped my forehead and sighed. Every student was going to have a hang over tomorrow and I was going to have to take care of them. I was pulled from that mental note when Toga jumped on my back like her usual but instead her drunk self was worse. Even Dabi who seemed like one to keep his cool was now drawing on a sleep pikacu. Toga then jumped off me and ran to the only somber girl who was insanely embarrassed. She looked up from the floor which held her attention the most to meet eyes with the girl charging her and with me. She stared for a minute then turned her gaze swiftly back to the floor while Toga tackles her to the ground.

'How? How did this happen!?'

~A Few Hours Earlier~

"What's she doing here?" Stitch face asked pink cheeks. She didn't flinch at the slight hostility from my friends which proved to me even more she liked and choose to hang out with us. Though Dabi was hostile Toga was thrilled. She and pink cheeks were good friends and I was happy she was getting along with others, without them judging her based on a quirk.

"She's gonna play our game~" I said winking to both of them and they looked confused.

"Does she even know the game?" Toga asked standing to hug pink cheeks. Probably to save her innocences.

"Nope but she can play if she wants to as long as she doesn't snitch!" I said clasping my hands together in a playful way. She looked confused.

"Are you doing something illegal?" She asked quite concerned, but didn't look like she was gonna tell.

"Just a game of truth or dare~!" I whispered in her ear which caused her to blush and I smiled.

"Is it okay if we get the rest of the class to join?" Me and the others shrugged and she pulled out her phone. She then texted in a group chat from them to come back to the dorms. I felt a little hurt that we weren't included into the group chat but I considered two reasons.

First: both of my idiot friends were spammers. As in memes and other stuff.

And second: they are probably still jumpy about us villains in their school.

I dreamed of being here and now that I was I wish I could leave. If it wasn't because of that one incident I would still be living with my mother probably becoming a police officer. I then realized how stupid I was thinking I could make a difference in anyway in this society. I sighed and walked over to the kitchen and pulled out some cups. Uraraka while texting glanced at me curious but didn't say anything.

After a few minutes of waiting we were sitting at the table watching students pool into the dorm. Some were curious of the game and made their way to sit with us while a few (mainly Bakugo) didn't move from the door way. I just snickered at these idiots as they didn't know what they were getting into to.

"What the hell are you laughing at Deku!" He screeched at me which made me laugh more.

"Just thinking of how much of a pussy you all are!" I yelled back addressing the entire room. This pissed off Bakugo but before he could reply I pulled out a bottle of alcohol. He paused, 'tsked', and took a seat. This surprised a few including me. Everyone eventually all joined in the game despite a few not wanting to.

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