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Izuku's POV

As dawn approached I got up to take a shower. I knew it was early but it was better than nothing. I grabbed a towel and entered the rather large bathroom for a dorm.

"Why the hell do they put so much into a bathroom?" I slightly mumbled a little annoyed at how much money they had to flaunt. I carefully discarded my shirt into a small pile and carefully felt of my body. I traced multiple scars that ran up and down my sides, back, and front. Many were deep and looked painful. I distracted myself from the scars from the past and raised my hand to my mouth. I poked them inside and felt around. I then felt a little piece of metal. It was a small disk located on top of a small gap in my tooth. It was a device that could cancel something and also serve as a anti lie detector. I was careful with it because it could be easily broking. It was something I would only use in dire emergencies. I would crush it and would be able to do many fantastic things but it was widely looked down upon. I retracted my fingers and walked to the shower after taking the rest of my clothes off. I leaned against the wall thinking of the last time I used one of these and the last time I broke it....

I shook my head bringing my thoughts back to showering. I carefully washed around any new scar or cut that I had and stepped out. Out of the new clothes I had gotten I decided to wear a red button up shirt that was tucked into some black jeans, with a black vest and my iconic red shoes I always wore. I fluffed my hair in the mirror after I had dried it straight. I then walked back to my bed and sat. I glanced at the time and I still had a few hours. I sighed and decided to do something. I grabbed a couple of books off one of the many shelves in my room and headed to the roof. The silence was beautiful. I read the few books I had and decided it was finally time to enter my room again.

I was lucky because as soon as I got my window shut again I heard our teacher at the door.

"Problem child get your two friends and come to class. If you will wait outside and I will introduce you to the class...." the tired man though I couldn't see sighed and walked away. I sighed as well not wanting to wake the two idiot friends of my. I walked over to what I believed was Dabi's room and kicked the door.

"Hey asshat! Get up!" I yelled into the dark room. I turned when two hands grabbed me. It was none other than Toga. I squeezed myself out from under her and let her fall to the floor. She was already wearing her yellow cardigan and shirt skirt. Unlike me she actually looked like she was a student if not for the band around her neck and her sadistic smile.

"Izu~! That wasn't fair!" She wined as she picked herself off the floor. I just chuckled leaving her to brush the dirt off of her. I quickly found Dabi's door and kicked it in as well. This time I was met with him wearing the school uniform... or at least half of it. He had the button up shirt on except for the top two buttons, and his black pants along with shoes. Me and Toga laughed at his attempt to actually wear the uniform when I heard our teacher again.

"Are you three going to come on?!" He yelled making his hair stand on end as well as eyes go serious and red. We just hurried along while still snickering.

We eventually got to a large door and stopped. Our teacher entering leaving the door open. From inside we could hear most of the kids being loud. I knew most of the kids in this room from prior knowledge from previous jobs. I also had a photograph memory... which wasn't always good. We waited in the hall for a few minutes till the teacher finally got his class to shut up.

"Okay from today onward we will have three new students..." she said sighing as if he didn't get paid enough. With this comment everyone burst out in questions. He once again silenced them.

"They are villains so I would watch out for them..." he said while again in sync the class gasped. Our teacher called for us to enter. We made our way in with everyone's eyes except two peoples on us. A red and white haired boy in the back, and a blonde in the front. I gave a little smirk.

"Hi~! My name is Toga! I hope we can become good friends~!" Toga who shouted and bounced up and down. I placed my hand on her shoulder to stop her movement and looked and Dabi. He quickly stepped forward.

"My name is Dabi... hey..." he said pulling one of his hands out long enough to give an awkward wave to the class in which a few who looked perky and excited to meet villains replied.

Then I felt everyone excluding the two students eyes on me. I just smiled walking away from my friends over to the blonde. The red head next to him tried to motion for me not to but I just smiled. I softly tapped the boy on the shoulder and his attention from outside turned to me.

He seemed quite shocked to see me which then turned to rage. He shot out of his desk and tried to punch me. I ducked and backed away.

"Why the Hell did you come back!?" He screeched at me. I just gave a little glare and grin.

"You actually thought I would stay dead?" I asked which seemed to tick him off more. Before he could charge me again our teacher stepped in covering Kacchan with his bindings. I walked back to my friends and stared at the class who all seemed shocked. This even got the boy in backs attention.

"Hello my name is Izuku! Nice to meet you!" I said with a bit of fake happiness which made Toga and Dabi laugh. We sat there for a minute till teach spoke up.

"You can ask them questions just introduce yourself first... also I'm gonna take a nap make sure nobody gets in a fight.

"Who wants to go first?" I propose all the joy dispersed from my voice. I backed up and sat on his desk crossing my leg.

I point to a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks... Uraraka...

"Hey! My name is Ocacho Uraraka! And my question is your quirks?" She said with a plain smile that had no other intentions. Both of my friends look at me and I wave them off.

the look at me.
I was cut off with Kacchan yelling something at me but what caught my attention was when he yelled.

"You villainous DEMON!" The room with silent and nobody dared move. For those who knew me well you don't call me a demon if you want to live and he seemed to have forgotten that. I tried brushing it off with a grin. I then turned back to the rest of the class and state "Quirkless."

Everyone was puzzled at a villain being a quirkless but then assumed that was the reason. After this outburst we went through the rest of the students faster. As we were done Dabi and Toga walked to the back of the class to sit when I decided something.

"Okay..... I have my own question." Everyone took interest in my seriousness in my voice.

"Do any of you... know a small girl with silver gray hair?" I asked and the room was silent.

'Figured nobody knew.. she just up and disappeared on me I guess...' I shrugged off the silent ness and walked to take my seat next the the bi-colored haired kid and continued class.

Author's Note

Hello there! I have a few questions I want to see if you can answer.

First who do you think the little girl is?

Second what do you think the device in his mouth is for?

And lastly why do you think it's unwise to call him a Demon?

Thank you and hoped you enjoyed!

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