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Eun Dan Oh
*words said by the characters in the actual drama is bolded

Eun Dan Oh*words said by the characters in the actual drama is bolded

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Huh? It's already the first day of midterms?

I looked down at my workbook and saw my highlighting and notes, which means I did study, but did I really? Why can't I remember anything about me studying? This must have taken long...

Could I be dreami-

*PAGE TURN* I hear that sound again! I'm still sitting in my seat in class, but as I looked up at the whiteboard, it says that it's the last day of midterms.

"Dan Oh, let's go out and celebrate!!!" Sae Mi smiles excitedly.

"But midterms have only just started?" I replied and at this point I'm unsure of what even is going on, my reply sounded like a question.

"You must've studied so hard you've gone nuts! Hehe!" Soo Cheol stands on the other side of her table and jokes. "Oh right, my recording of the girl crashing into Nam Ju got a lot of likes!"

"My poor Nam Ju!!! Who is that girl? Nam Ju obviously got hurt by her!" Sae Mi whines.

As Soo Cheol and Sae Mi squabbles across my table, I decided to ask my doctor during the next visit if something is really wrong with me.

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