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Eun Dan Oh
*words said by the characters in the actual drama is bolded

Eun Dan Oh*words said by the characters in the actual drama is bolded

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"Mi Chae, where are you?" I called out.

I see a head ducking behind the counter. Gosh. Narrowing my eyes, I walked to the counter.

"You saw a black hole right? You saw it when I saw it right? You were looking at it too!" I went straight to the point.

"Nope, no idea. Anyway, stop prying! Nothing good is going to come from your knowing," Mi Chae replied, staring pointedly at me.

I see the "Secret" book I flipped through in the library on the counter out of the corner of my eye and tried to discreetly inch towards it.

Mi Chae catches on and quickly sits onto the book.

"Aish," I glared at him again and went off, deciding to go to the library.

I go back to the place I found "Secret", but the book is no longer there. It must have been taken by Mi Chae. "Oh?" I spot a black hole in the empty spot where the book used to be and reached out to it. "OMG," I felt like the hole was sucking my arm in and I quickly retracted my hand. Everything must be connected, I feel it. The black holes, "Secret", and Mi Chae. Maybe Mi Chae is busy now? I need to get my hold on "Secret".

I peeked into the kitchen window, and seeing that Mi Chae is nowhere near the book, quickly went in to grab it.

Flipping it open, the first thing I see is a guy that looks like Kyung saying to a female character that looks like... me?

"I don't like a woman that's ill. Your crush on me is a waste of time because I'll never return your feelings."

That was what Kyung said to me just now. What the hell is going on?

I continued flipping through the book, and see more manhwa panels that have happened before, like when I saw Joo Da in the toilet.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Mi Chae commented, and takes the book away from me.

"This book is about me!" I exclaimed.

"Wrong," Mi Chae shakes his head.

"But I've been able to see the future ever since I touched the book, and saw the black holes. You saw the black holes too!" I reminded him.

"Okay, have a seat. I'm going to tell you the truth. We aren't humans. What you're feeling is the gap between scenes. You didn't fall asleep, but you're living in the next day. You don't remember coming to school, but you're at school. A few days pass by in the blink of an eye. You wouldn't usually feel it, but once you gain consciousness, you become aware of that gap. Then you think you've lost your memories. This is... the world of manhwas!" Mi Chae spins and sends a winning smile in my direction.

"Crazy," I raised my eyebrows and stood up, ready to leave.

Mi Chae stops me by grabbing my wrist, "You're a character in a manhwa. This manhwa you're reading."

I'm really going to start blaming my heart condition for all these weird things... OMG, let me leave!

"Hear me out!" Mi Chae calls out.

I'm stopped at the place I saw the black hole, having difficulty breathing. My heart monitor starts ringing. Stupid heart! I hold onto the railing for support.

"Gosh, you're fast. Look, I can push you over the railing and you'll be fine. Okay you look scared, I'm just gonna do this," Mi Chae snatches my phone from me and throws it down from where we're standing.

I scream, but my phone only hangs in the air, surrounded by sparkles. It doesn't drop to the ground.

I see Sae Mi and Soo Cheol downstairs and call out to them. "Mi Chae is endangering my life!"

"What are you talking about? You were with us the whole time," Soo Cheol is suddenly right beside me, one hand on my forehead. "Are you okay?"

I'm so confused. I look at my hands and they're holding onto my phone tightly. These don't make sense. At all.

Okay. I'm just gullible and sleep deprived. I've been reading too many manhwas, and my mind is messed up.

"But how does that explain me being able to see into the future?" I ask out loud.

"Woah, if I could see into the future, I would make videos billing myself as a prophet and become an online success," Soo Cheol replies.

" I would win the lottery and buy Nam Ju an expensive bag!" Sae Mi sighs contentedly.

These were the exact things they said in the canteen just now.

Mi Chae suddenly appears beside me. "You're self-aware, because you remember them saying things that aren't in the manhwa, but they're repeating themselves without knowing, which makes them not self-aware. As of now, it seems like you're the only one self-aware," Mi Chae pats my shoulder, a look of sympathy, and leaves.

"Did you secretly ask Mi Chae for more dried squid? Dan Oh! How could you forget about me?" Sae Mi starts whining.

"You're just gonna start complaining that you're fat," Soo Cheol rolls his eyes.

I'm immersed in my own thoughts, and the three of us went back into class with them squabbling behind me.

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