Water Dragon

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When He FeiQuan was about to sleep, he heard knocking sounds and he pretended that no one was in the vicinity, not remembering the huge broken gap of the doors, even though they are shut closed.

"Just come in already!" He FeiQuan barked at the door, thinking it was XiaoMing, whom he assumed had his food and a hot bath when the knocking became louder.

The door opened and with a syrupy sweet voice that could melt bones, "He Little Prince, apologies for the rude intrusion", politely addressing the cranky prince without stepping into his room.

He FeiQuan shot up, sitting on his bed, bleary-eyed, and saw a lady wearing a flowing translucent veil hat that covered her from head to knees, in front of his room, quickly got to his feet standing with manners drilled since young. He could tell by the voice and her slim silhouette, courtesy of the sun shining to his room, that she was no ordinary beauty. Before he could admire more, another large body in blue robe replaced his view.

"Water Dragon Clan Leader, greetings, to how can I help you? Please, as you may, let us seat outside" He FeiQuan quick on his feet and mind, recognizing the figure and gave a slight bow with his palm above another, the proper courtesy towards the higher ranked God.

Motioning towards his courtyard, He FeiQuan gestured to his uninvited guests welcoming them in. He knew it was improper to invite them into the room, as there was the presence of a lady, ignoring the fact that TaoHua was the other female inside his room.
TaoHua wordlessly followed He FeiQuan behind, floating closely to him. She really needed to get this power hierarchy charted out, this seemed to be a Higher ranked God, that her lofty friend had to pay respects to.

"Xue Jiejie!" The veiled lady cried out emotionally, knelt down and picked TaoHua, making her yelped. The sweetly fragranced lady had completely took her by surprise.

"Mi-er, let us sit and talk" the blue-robed Water Dragon Clan Leader, ChengYuan, helped the veiled lady up and led her carrying TaoHua to be seated.

"This is my wife, Gold Peach Fairy, JinShu YueMi, and we came here once we heard that you brought back a Gold Peach Fairy to Heavens. My wife could not wait till tonight to see her, hence, with apologies, we had to rudely barge into your manor, without a proper message for an invitation to your manor."

"Prince, can I have a moment with my sister?" YueMi asked with a soft hoarse voice.

Who would say no to a beautiful woman in tears? So He FeiQuan readily agreed and showed YueMi to his guesthouse.

Once inside the room in private, YueMi placed TaoHua on the table gently, sat down and took off her hat.

"Xue Jiejie!" Facing TaoHua, YueMi, who already was crying, started to sob, tears flowing down her eyes, "I missed you so much! We all missed you so much, where did you go all these times? Why didn't you come back to us? We were all so worried. What happened to you? They took you away then we heard you died, we were so broken-hearted...waaaaaa"

YueMi had cried so piteously then as the more she cried and talked, she just wailed like a lost child. TaoHua could not help but sniffed too and tried to console this strange lady, by patting YueMi's hand.

"Why didn't you come back earlier?" YueMi repeatedly asked to which TaoHua could not answer too. YueMi sobbed harder with shaking shoulders, inconsolable, unable to stop all the past sad memories.

TaoHua was at a loss, she was not sure who Xue Jiejie was, and if truly was the person YueMi was crying for. But how was it that someone could cry so long, would she dry up losing all the water from her body? There was once TaoHua played and did not drink water, she got sick and had a fever, after all the sweat to recover from the fever, she felt she dried up and shrunk to a smaller size.

"This Jiejie, I'm not sure if I'm Xue, ummm, the person you are referring too, but shall we drink some tea first to replenish your throat?" TaoHua asked, relieved that YueMi, stopped her sobs and looked at her with her tearful eyes.

"Whoa sister, you are so beautiful, better looking than the fairies I saw!" TaoHua finally got to see YueMi properly without YueMi covering parts of her face, with all those movements to wipe herself with the handkerchief.

"Xue jiejie...did you perhaps lose your memories? Did you fall? Did they torture you? Or was your experience so horrible, you choose to lose your memories? I can help you recover your memories but if you really had a terrible experience, we don't have to do it." And with this, YueMi sobbed again.

"Poor you! I don't know what happened to you, but don't worry, you are back to us now", YueMi grabbed TaoHua and sobbed.

"Xue Jiejie cannot switch to human form?" With this, YueMi did not wait for TaoHua response and rushed out with TaoHua in her hands back to the pavilion,
"FuJun (husband lord), we have to take Xue Jiejie back to the clan!". Remi explained to ChengYuan that TaoHua was not able to transform and bringing her to the Tree of Life would help. ChengYuan looking at his distressed wife, could not bear to see her so, nodded. He then turned to give a hasty farewell to He FeiQuan and said they would return the favor to thank He FeiQuan. ChengYuan instantly transformed into a silver blue dragon, created a bubble and YueMi quickly stepped inside a bubble, and the dragon leapt towards the edge of the mountain, behind the pavilion, and dived into the water with a delicate and graceful splash.

ChengYuan would have much preferred to carry his wife in his arms to swim away and YueMi had a necklace given long ago, to be able to breathe in water, but since she brought another being with her, ChengYuan made the bubble to transport both females.

TaoHua on YueMi's hands waved to He FeiQuan before entering the bubble, excited with all the motion and commotion and into the waters! ChengYuan looked cool as a large silver horned and elongated fish too!

She could not help beaming with anticipation and bouncing around the bubble, making YueMi worried about her.

He FeiQuan stood in a daze, he believed he just saw a fairy descended into Heavens, and in this case, literally descended into the water. YueMi had come out running without her veil, and her face caught He FeiQuan by surprise by the sheer beauty a female could possess, that he could not react in time and answer the said lady's husband about apologizing for their hasty departure and thank you for what, he could not concentrate in hearing. It was wonder the protective husband left the scene so quickly.

And that was how XiaoMing, came into seeing his young master looking silly standing in a daze and had to remind He FeiQuan about his meal and bath both getting cold, waking him from his stupor.
Today had been full of surprises for He FeiQuan, and he just stepped into his bath and changed to bed to sleep without eating. He needed a good rest and complete silence for his poor heart and tired body before the banquet tonight.

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