Origins - Immortal Emperor

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This overwhelming beauty of their womenfolk had also caused them endless worries. Men with families would be more protective of their wives and daughters, and their precious females beauty were those that could topple dynasties. They carefully planned to make a defensive fort around the mountains and covered it with natural mists. The fort had protected their mountain for a millennium, with Three First Daughters had taught their daughters womanly arts and Lim HeQi taught them martial arts for self-defense, yet the delicate small fairies were able to do little moves, making the males more worried for the girls.

To be constantly updated with their skills and the situations, the men frequently visited the mortal realm and also created political relationships with Heavens and Underworld. Qiu MarKe, the smartest one, was the advisor and leader to lead political conversations, Lim HeQi the strongest one, was to protect them when they travel and made weapons to appease the two strong factions, Li YiKuang, who was able to imbue magic into the weapons and other objects, making magic items, usually stayed behind to make sure all defenses were up and to protect the females.
The two men, Qiu MarKe and Lim HeQi, were an anomaly to the Celestials and Underworld, they had an unknown background, and came to power without any immortal's knowledge and had made very powerful weapons as a tribute of peace. The Gold Peach Fairy clan men, who ate the peach from Tree of Life, also had special traits, the brothers were able to detect the presence of immortals, yet able to mask their own presence. Since they were not able to switch to peach forms like their wives, this, in turn, was a useful skill.

The Gold Peach Clans men became great spies and had carefully spied and studied the immortal beings over time, even secretly stealing their martial arts and also given information to Li YiKuang to hone his magic making items. They had all agreed not to steal anything to prevent them and their skills to be discovered. With all the garnering of knowledge, the brothers had a consensus, to stay free of strife and live peacefully with the powerful Celestials and Underworld. Most importantly, not to let any Gold Peach fairies be known to all beings.

After securing peace for their home, they discussed and debated whether they should select the next son in laws or wait for fate and nature to take the course for men to come to the mountains by themselves. They decided on trusting the humans more than the celestials, demonkind and other immortal beings as they felt, humans would be humbler and treat their precious daughters better. Once they deemed the humans to worthy of their daughters, they would then present the fruit of immortality as bequeathed by The Tree to the 4 granddaughters.

The first son-in-law for the elders of the Gold Peach Clan was when Li YiKuang spearheaded the search. He had chosen to visit the earth to pick his son-in-law; Qiu MarKe who had seen greed in men, celestials, and demons, also chose to groom a human child; only Lim HeQi let fate and nature took course.

The man Li YiKuang chose was a learned scholar, Wu ZhiYe with no worldly ambitions but a passion to learn philosophy. Li YiKuang thought such is a fine quality and showed his wife and daughter ZhiYe's portrait to get their approval. His daughter embarrassedly left to her parents to make the decision for her, and her parents took it as her approval, before matchmaking the scholar and YiXia. He had no doubt of his daughter's beauty and talent for the scholar to fall in love with.

Qiu MarKe saw how Li YiKuang successfully made his daughter happy and set out to find his. Instead of looking around for a candidate, he felt more confident if he sees his sons-in-law when they were of young age, and educate them to be best husband candidates. Qiu MarKe set up a small sect and adopted orphans and personally trained them. He may not be as skillful as his brother in law, Lim HeQi, but he was already considered very strong in human martial standards since he had the time to hone his skills over time. Qiu MarKe also taught his disciples war strategy, using wit instead of might to win battles.

Within the sect, were 2 orphaned brothers, Huo Yue and Huo Ri. Qiu MarKe had saved them as their tribe wanted to kill them for their mixed blood. Huo Yue and Huo Ri respected their savior and perfected what Qiu MarKe taught, impressing Qiu MarKe and granting them his future Sons-in-law. Qiu MarKe had slyly gave hints of his daughters having beautiful looks and kindest hearts since the boys were young, which made the brother fought harder to prove their worth.

Lim HeQi, was a brusque man yet had a soft personality and overly optimistic attitude. He had underestimated human weaknesses, overlooked a man's ambition and invited a white-eyed wolf (ungrateful) into their midst. Huang LiWei, a washed-up injured man, was accepted into the mountain as he was considered pure at the time he had been thrown to the sea by his enemies. Huang LiWei later courted HeQiu, who was the one who found him first and nursed him secretly. The elders, knowing that Huang LiWei would have been thrown back to waters were The Tree did not approve his presence, slowly accepted him as HeQiu's intended.
The human world at the time was in a turmoil, with various kingdoms, fighting to get more power. Huang LiWei was actually a descendant of a past glorious regime when the 4 kingdoms were united and ruled by his ancestors. Even though at the time he wanted a peaceful life, had his passions to seek revenge and regain his rightful throne, he went back to the human life without the knowledge of his in-laws, and as a powerful immortal, quickly subdued his enemies and became the king.

Once they found out what he had done, they banished Huang LiWei from the mountain and setting magical runes so he was not able to set foot. Huang LiWei respected their reasons, he agreed not to return to the mountains, now that he had his own kingdom to lord over, he did not agree to dismiss his beautiful wife. Smart as he was, Huang LiWei had seen what they could do, he sneaked in and he took his wife back to the kingdom and hid HeQiu away in deep within his harem.

All of the son-in-laws had took a blood oath, in front of the parents-in-law, and Mother Tree, sworn to love and to take care of their wives. They promised not to take another wife, and to uphold their wives with respect. Thus, not only did Huang LiWei revoked his promises to Mother Tree to severe his past, he even set up a harem, with the means to add more females.

The enraged elder clansmen turned up in the mortal realm and tried to take the peach fairy daughter back. However, they were disappointed when the HeQiu chose to stay back with her husband. This was the start of their problems.

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