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We were going to investigate this group that call themselves Arsenal. Dazai believes their existence is somewhat a threat to the Port Mafia.

"If that's so, then why don't we just barge into their base and slaughter everyone inside if they're a threat?" I suggested.

Dazai sighed at my statement, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "My dear (Y/n), you think like a wild dog. We don't even know their hideouts" he said to me, "That's why we're about to gather more intel about them".

The car came to a halt, dropping us at an abandoned construction site. "What are we doing here?" I asked, I could tell Dazai was getting annoyed. But he had to accept the fact I'm new to this, I had no idea on what should I do.

Dazai let out a sigh once again, "Just follow me and don't do anything stupid" he said. Which made questioning him some more would deem useless.

I followed him to inside the construction site, there was then a small room where in we entered. But to my surprise it was a staircase leading the underground. We walked down the staircase afterwards we reached a dimly lit hallway only the neon lights hanging from the walls were giving lit enough for one to see. I followed Dazai who continued on walking. I started to hear some music coming from the end of the hallway, almost like disco music of some sorts.

Upon reaching the end, there were two beefy men guarding a door- they probably were bouncers. I looked at the neon sign above the door, it said "Billy's". I had a feeling that this was an underground bar as I saw lights emitting from the door and the sound of party music blaring inside.

"Ah, hello my good men. Just me and my girlfriend wanting to party" Dazai said as he put an arm around me. I was taken aback by what he said.

"Girlfriend?!" I exclaimed. The bouncers gave us suspicious looks.

"Just play along" he whispered to my ear. I caught on to what Dazai was doing. This might make me sick, but I had no choice.

"Oh dear, honey-pie of course!!! I just want to party until I drop and afterwards give me some special moments later" I said in a disgustingly seductive tone. Dazai looked like he either wanted to laugh or vomit.

The bouncers weren't buying our act. "You have to kiss me" Dazai whispered. My eyes widened at what he said. I looked at him hoping he was kidding. But as the look he was giving was dead serious.

I was going to regret this. "My sweetie, how can we have a good time if these big guys won't let us in?" I pretended to be saddened.

"Well then, we have no choice but to find another place my precious apple to party" Dazai responded and a saddened tone. "I'm sorry" he cupped my cheeks, my heart started to beat rapidly knowing what he was about to do next. He leaned in to me, his lips nearing mine. I could feel my cheeks heating up. But-

"I had enough at this" I exclaimed, pushing Dazai back. The bouncers were surprised and so was Dazai. "If you guys won't let us in, then we'll go inside by ourselves".

"I guess we have no choice then" Dazai said taking a step back, "You do the honors (Y/n)". I grinned at him as he gave me the chance to beat these tough guys up. I didn't have to summon my scythe on these two to take them out.

I charged at them , the two bouncer held out their guns but before they could shoot I threw a dagger at them right at their throats instantly ending their lives.

"Tah da" I said to Dazai but he just ignored me.

"My word, brutal as always. Now we have to dirty our hands" Dazai sighed.

I rolled my eyes, "I prefer doing that than kissing you" I retorted.

"As if I wanted to kiss you as well" responded Dazai. "Now we'll have to get dirty" he whined. I smirked, dirty was my specialty.

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now