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Dazai was sent into the infirmary at Headquarters. He had to go through surgery to get the bullets out of his body. I was greatful that he was alive, but he was in a coma and not even the doctors know when will he wake up. The only thing I could do was wait and sit by him until the day he opens his eyes. But those days have waiting are filled with pain.

"Dazai..." I muttered seeing him asleep. If only I was alert, I could've protected him. If only I wasn't weak, I would've killed his assailant. If only- a hand held my clenching fist. I looked up to see Odasaka.

He held my hand, and opened it. My eyes widened seeing it started to get wounded. "The more you blame yourself, the more you hurt yourself" he said to me in a low voice. I couldn't hold it in, I cried unto Odasaka. "Let it all out (Y/n)" he said in a comforting voice.

"Odasaka...Why did it have to be Dazai?" I cried. "The one who shot him, it was a demon from my past and he chose to shoot Dazai! It should've been me. Why Odasaka?!".

"I don't know (Y/n)" Odasaka replied, "But if you were the one shot, what would Dazai feel seeing you laying on that bed?". I didn't answer. Odasaka let me cry until I fell asleep.

Odasaka's P.O.V.

As (Y/n) fell asleep, I decided to let her head rest unto Dazai's bed. Sitting on a chair, she laid her head on the mattress. She was still whimpering even in her sleep, she must've felt great guilt on what had happened to Dazai. I couldn't blame her, even I would feel the same way if I was in her place.

Dazai is lucky to have met someone like her. I may not know why he took her in, but I could tell Dazai chose her not because he had a grand plan in store. There's more to that...

"I'm surprised you took another one into your care... I thought that Akutagawa kid was already a handful"

"He is. But (Y/n)'s different. She is somewhat an important piece to this little puzzle"

Dazai, I know she isn't just some pawn to this scheme of yours. In fact, she shouldn't be... Since in her eyes you are the reason she became important.

Before leaving, I glanced back (Y/n) who was now sleeping peaceful at Dazai's side. Her hand holding tightly at his.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Two days have already passed, and still Dazai hasn't yet awoken. I refused leaving by his side until he wakes up. But I wasn't able to refuse at Mori-san as he had told me to come and see him.

"Hello there (Y/n)" He greeted as I entered his office. His jolly mood contrasted with mine. He let out a sigh as I was unresponsive. "I know you are awfully worried about Dazai's condition. I am too, but that shouldn't hold us back on our war against Arsenal" he said sternly.

"Boss, was the person who shot Dazai connected to Arsenal?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"We believe so (Y/n)... The bullets that were taken out of Dazai had the insignia of Arsenal. It's enough evidence to point out that the assailant was part of the organization" Mori-san replied.

Arsenal...The Doctor...Why were they in league - unless

"(Y/n) have you heard of G.R.A.C.E?" Mori-san asked. I was stunned to hear him ask that. H-How did he know about that? My face became pale, memories of it played across my mind. Every session...Every punishment...Every torture... I remembered it so vividly.

"Seeing your reaction, I presume that you have an idea about it. G.R.A.C.E. also knkwn as the Gift Research : Amplifying and Contracting Experiment" Mori-san said in a stern voice. I clutched my fists tightly, angered swelled in me. "Arsenal had been conducting this for a long time now, trying to search for a gift that was strong to increase their strength...until one day their research facility blew up in flames" I couldn't believe at what I was hearing. Arsenal was the group the put me under extreme torture.

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now