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Either I'm still asleep and this is just a dream, or I'm really wide awake and Dazai is giving me a tour around Yokohama. He led me around tourist attractions and made me eat certain delicacies that I haven't eaten in my whole life.

"Come on (Y/n)! Try this crepe, you'll love it" He said as he tries to feed me a crepe.

"I'm already full Dazai, you made me it a bunch of sweets awhile ago" I argued but Dazai was stubborn.

"I promise, this is the last snack! You'll love it" He said. I gave it and took a bite on the crepe. Something so sweet and delicious tingled my senses. He was right! Now I'm in love with the crepe. I snatched from his hands and savored it. Dazai chuckled, "I told you".

Dazai took me to a pond and rented a boat. We then had a peaceful boat, Dazai took the liberty on rowing the boat. I wanted to be the one to do it seeing his arm in a cast but he responded, "What? No! No! No! A lady rowing the boat, that is ridiculous. Let me do it" he said giving me a wink.

I looked away, wondering what has gotten into him. "Say (Y/n)" I looked at Dazai who was staring into the water. I'm not going to lie but seeing him like that, he is quite handsome. "Do you think drowning here would be an amazing suicide?" He questioned. Now I take back what I thought about him.

After the boat ride, Dazai took me into an arcade. We played a variety of games, we played a fighting game and went against each other. I unexpectedly came out triumphantly. "Your surprisingly good (Y/n)" Dazai commented, "But it's just beginners luck".

I rose a brow, "Oh really? How about another and I'll show you what I can do".

"Your on!". We then played another round, for some reason I was good at this game despite the fact it being the first I played this. It was like my body knew what to do, just like whenever I'd engage in battle. There's this sense of nostalgia that I can't understand.

"Alright! I admit defeat" Exclaimed Dazai. He then sulked like a little kid for loosing to me. I chuckled finding it adorable. Looking around, my eyes then caught something. It was a cute white tiger plushie. "So you want that tiger plushie?" I heard Dazai ask.

I bashfully nod. Dazai smiled, "Well, don't you worry ! I'll get it for you". He played the crane and easily got the plushie out. I was astounded on how he managed to grab it so easily.

"Thanks" I said in a low voice as he gave it to me. I hug the plushie tightly, it was so soft and so cuddly.

"You look adorable hugging" Dazai said. I buried my face unto the plushie. Hiding my blushing cheeks. I didn't understand why I suddenly felt all tingly inside. Dazai then grabbed my hand and took me out of the arcade. "Come on, we have another stop to go to" he said.

"Where?" I asked but he wasn't answering. Dazai just held my hand as he lead us to our next destination.

While walking, I was busy admiring the plushie he won for me that I didn't realize we were still holding hands. I thought he already let go of my hand. For some reason, a part of me was happy that he hasn't yet let go of it.

"Mommy, where are they holding hands?" I looked over and saw a little girl looking at us. Beside her was an elder woman, it was her mother. I envied her...I wish I had a mother.

"Don't mind them sweetie, they're on date" The mother replied to her daughter. She then looked at me and gave a slight bow, apologizing for her daughter. I reassured that it was alright by giving her a small smile.

A date huh...I almost forgot that Dazai and I were currently on a date. I've heard that dates are mostly done with two people who are in love. If so, does Dazai love me? I shook my head in disgust. No- no - no! That mustn't be it! After all, we are colleagues working under the Port Mafia and also we've only just met recently. Also the fact that dates could be also a way to bond with another, so maybe Dazai did this for us to bond with each other. As if I'd grow closer to a pervert like him...

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now