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My name's (Y/n)(L/n). I'm 19 years old and I currently live alone in my small apartment here in Yokohama. Apparently my parents have sent me here to study but they had sadly died due to an accident making me the one to make ends meet for myself. I work at a daycare center taking care of kids- it may be a small job but to see their smiling faces is enough for me.

3 years ago, I lost my memories due to I believe was an attempted suicide. I was said to have jump from the balcony of my apartment which was located at the 3rd floor. Thankfully, this mysterious person saved my life and sent me to the hospital. I never met this man in person, the only clue I have about him is that he is some suicidal maniac. I doubt if it were true, maybe he was just kidding about the description he gave to himself. Nevertheless, this man was kind and caring enough to help a stranger such as myself. He entrusted me to continue living on- and that's what I'm doing right now.

At the present, I still haven't regained any memory about myself nor even just a small fragment of it. But I didn't care, this was a new life for me and I'm gonna take it!

"Uhh, yes Mrs. Tateyama, I'm on my way" I said to the colleague at the day care on the phone. I accidentally woke up late and now am rushing to the day care. I felt so guilty for letting sweet old Mrs. Tateyama handle such wild and rowdy kids.

As I rushed to the day care, I accidentally bumped into someone causing me to drop my things

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I said frantically picking up my belongings.

"Why, don't worry about it my dear" the person said in a smooth voice. I looked up to see a tall man wearing a brown trench coat, with messy brown hair and bandaged arms. He gave me a mile which made my heart beat fast. "Here, let me help you with that" he said picking up my things as well.

I was somewhat in a trance. This person, why was awfully familiar. The rapid beating of my heart turned to an aching one. I didn't understand what I was feeling.

The man looked at me, having a soft expression on his face. He took out a handkerchief and wiped my cheek. "My reputation will be bad if ever I made a lady cry" he muttered.

I was crying?

After picking up my things, I still didn't understand who this person was but it felt like I wanted to be with him. What was I feeling right now?

Suddenly, the man grabbed my hand. My cheeks were now red on his actions. "We match" He spoke. I didn't understand what he meant by that until he pointed at his bandaged arms and mine. "See? We're Bandage buddies" he said happily.

I smile crept on my face, "We do" I replied in a low voice.

"Alright! I should get going now miss! And you should to!" This person spoke up and started to walk. "See you around" he said cheerfully. As he walked away, he sang a strange song. "...One can't do double suicide alone..."

My eyes widened. "Double...Suicide?" Something snapped in me. I turned back to the man whose leaving... I'm sure of it. There's no doubt! It was him!

"You were the one who helped!!!" I called out to the man. The man stopped in his tracks. It can't be... I clenched my fists tightly, I finally found him for so long.

"I've been wanting to meet you in person for a long time now!" I exclaimed. "I want to thank you for helping me that day... If it wasn't for you, I would've been dead already. So- in return on what've you said, I've been doing what you had written on that letter! I've been living a good life. And it's all thanks to you".

The man turned towards me, "I'm sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone else" he said. My heart sank... So it wasn't him. I've just been babbling towards a complete stranger than I've only met today. How embarrassing..

I looked down to the grown, not in shame but in frustration. I thought I've found him already, but alas. "Oh, If you say so..." I turned around, "I'll be going then. I'm sorry to have wasted your time".

"Osamu Dazai" The man suddenly introduced.

"Osamu...Dazai..." A memory suddenly flashed before my eyes. It was this young man, he was near my age. He wore black trench coat, he looked intimdating but his eyes. It gave a sense of comfort.

It was - I turned back towards the man but to my dismay he was already gone.

"Osamu Dazai..." I mumbled. A small smile crept on my lips, a tear streamed down my cheek. My heart felt comfort as I thought of him.

"Dazai...My hero".

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now