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When the moon is full, many hide, fearing that the one creeping in shadows is the Child of Death searching for the next being to be brought in hell...

Yet, the feared assassin was merely a Child. Living happily with her sickly father in the slums of Yokohama. A doctor would come and visit them often , checking up on the father's condition. To be able to buy the needed medicine, the child would work as a hitman to gain income.

The father disapproved the works of his daughter but the girl was stubborn. She wanted to continue on living with him, she didn't want to stop until her father was fully healed.

Despite massive injuries she might sustained, it didn't matter as long as her father- the only person left in her family- was alive in well.

"(Y/n)-chan, you were lucky to have survived in that attack ,but I'm not allowing you to work for the next 3 days" the doctor said to her as he patches her wound. The girl's eyes widened in disbelief.

"But- I have to work Mori-san!" She exclaimed. "I have to in order for father to-".

"Do you think your father will be happy to hear that his daughter died ?" He asked. The girl couldn't respond, she clutched unto her dark cloak tightly. "I know you are worried for your father, I am too... But you have to take care of yourself as well (Y/n)-chan" he gave the child a comforting hug.

(Y/n) took Mori's words to heart, she had to be careful. Even if she possesses such a gift, once she dies ... she dies...

She had to make sure to always come out alive in any job she was given.

In one job, (Y/n) was caught in a tight spot. She was cornered by dozens of gifted. All were eager that they could finally end the reign of terror she had brought.

"Any last words?" One of the thugs spoke to her.

(Y/n) paid no attention to her enemies as her eyes were focused on the moon. It's mysterious light showering upon her. "The moon is certainly beautiful tonight..." she spoke in awe. She stood up from, dusted her clothes.

"Just because you all are gifted, you think you're able to take on one enemy who is one as well?" She said darkly, her eyes that of a demon's. Her enemies sensed the bloodlust she was emitting, but they remained not wanting to back down. "Do you know why I am named Child of Death? Because this scythe kills, this scythe makes you repent in your final moments... With this book in hand, the gifted sinners that have been killed by it, their abilities are now recorded and are for me to use" she exclaimed upon summoning her book , holding it in one hand.

As it flips through the pages, "Ah...This might be fitting". With her book in hand, (Y/n) was able to use the different abilities recorded in her book killing her enemies.

Underneath the moonlight, she enjoys bathing in the blood of her victims. Her laughter echoes throughout the dead of night.

But eventually her reign of terror would end...

Returning from one of her missions , she was mortified upon seeing the old rickety house she and her father lived were in flames. She ran inside, not wanting to see her father's burning corpse there. She disregarded the burns she was sustaining, she had to see her father.

Upon opening the door to his room, she was thankful that her father wasn't there. But it still made her worried what had happened to him until she found a paper, somewhat immune to the flames. As she read what was written on it, she couldn't believe what had happened to her father.

"I see the colleague of someone you've assassinated before has come to seek vengeance" Mori-san said to the girl. It was the first place she went. "I know what's going on inside your mind (Y/n), and I won't be stopping you... But know, what you are about to do might cost you your life" he warned.

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now