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As 2 birds chirped happily at a tree, a young girl woke up confused as she has found herself in a hospital room. "Where...Huh...How?" She question upon seeing her surroundings. Her arms and forehead were bandaged, her body was all sore. She had no memory on what had happened to her.

"I'm glad your awake now" a nurse spoke upon seeing the patient.  The girl gave her a confused look. The nurse let out a small chuckle, "I see you don't remember anything at all. An eye witness reported that you fell off the balcony of your appartment".

The patient's eyes widened. "I fell off the balcony?" She couldn't remember it. But she felt very stupid to fall accidentally.

"Your lucky we've managed to treat you in time, although you've been diagnose with Amnesia" The nurse informed.

"Amnesia...Is that why I couldn't remember a thing?".

The nurse nodded, "But you don't have to worry" she assured the patient. "The eye witness was a concerned citizen, so he decided to write something about you that'll help you while you don't have any memories" she  handed over a letter. "He said that everything you need to know is in here" the girl looked at it. "The man was quiet an odd fellow. He asked me if there were available drugs that could help him kill himself- talk about suicidal" the nurse commented. Afterwards, she left to tend to her other patients.

"A letter?" She looked around to see who sent it to her but there was no name. "Maybe it's inside" she opened the letter and read it. She felt a strange feeling inside that she couldn't comprehend. A tear streamed down her cheek much to her surprise, "What is this? Tears?". She wiped it but more tears began to fall. "Why...Why am I crying?".


In the Headquarters of Port Mafia, Dazai reported to the Boss, Mori, after the events of Arsenal. "You certainly surprised me Dazai" Mori began to spoke. "At first I thought you'd kill her but to let her live? Was it a miscalculation in your plans?" He wondered.

"I wouldn't call it a miscalculation" Dazai responded nonchalantly. "It was something else that made me choose another way".

Mori rose a brow, "And what is that?".

"Apparently I don't know myself" Dazai chuckled.

The Boss let out a sigh, "If that is the case, I still commend you and your partner-". Dazai was disgusted that Chuuya was considered as his partner. "-For the success of defeating Arsenal and shutting down the G.R.A.C.E. project for good" he congratulated. "Who knew that (Y/n) (L/n) , the Child of Death, would loose her memories if the records in her Grimoire would be erased... And the only person who is able to do such a task is you Dazai".

Dazai remembered his last moments with (Y/n). As they both shared a passionate kiss, Dazai had managed to erase the memory wiping bullet that the Gifted Doctor used on (Y/n) and also erase the Grimoire upon placing his hand on it... It resulted in (Y/n) loosing her memories for good- completely forgetting her past and will never return to her.

"In order to free herself from this eternal prison, you decided to permanently wipe her memories and make her start a new life" Mori said. "I'm surprised that you were able to find something else to love more than suicide and death?". Dazai rose a brow at his statement. "Even so, it doesn't mean you're free of your punishment".

Dazai groaned, "Man, I thought I was able to get off the hook".

Mori chuckled, "Of course you won't... For your punishment, I'll suspended you of your duties the mean time. Along with Chuuya".

"Just give Chuuya the boot already" Dazai offered.

"You know I can't do that" Mori replied. "I'll inform you once we need you back here, which I think will happen sooner and later than I expected- until then, have fun on your little brake". Dazai was dismissed. Upon exiting the room, a short figure awaited him by the stained glass windows.

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now