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It's been a couple of months since I was working at the day care. My job there was good. The pay was enough for the expenses I need, not to mention taking care of children is fun- I'm pertaining to the cute and kind ones, not the snobby brats. Nevertheless, it was enough for someone living a simple life.

I still haven't recovered any memories of my alleged suicide nor memories before that. Nothing still coming back to me, but I don't mind. Like I said, it's going to be a clean slate for me. Although, there are certain moments where an image would cross my mind that I found very familiar. Men dressed in black, somewhat desk jobs and a kiss...

What am I thinking? I don't even know if all of this is real!? I could be just longing for a boyfriend- which I am not!

Nevertheless, I'll just be patient and start up little by little to get to know my past self better. Besides, there's that man...

Osamu Dazai...

I'm sure he's the one who helped me out. He must have known who I am! I have to find him.

But I don't have any clue where to start. Yokohama's a big place. I don't even know where to start. I don't even have any sort of lead to track him down!

"(L/n)" My boss, the head of the Day Care Mrs. Tateyama called out. "I would like to speak with you for a moment."

"S-Sure" I wonder what it could it be?

"WHAAAAT!?!?!?!" I exclaimed at what she had just said.

"I'm sorry dear, but with how the day care is going. It's better to shut it down." Mrs. Tateyama spoke in a sullen tone.

I shook my head, "N-No way! But, what about the children? What about you?"

"I know it's a shocker dear, but I can't do anything. I've already decided to sell this area and retire" Mrs. Tateyama said. "Don't worry, I'll be able to give you this month's pay, but for the next- sadly, you have to start looking for a different job."

But... This is the only job that would take in an amnesiac person without any background. Finding another job would he so difficult for someone like me. I wanted to tell this to Mrs. Tateyama, but I don't want to make her guilty. Letting go of the Day Care is already enough for her, why give her anymore burden.

"A-alright" I muttered. "I-I understand... It was a pleasure working with you Mrs. Tateyama."

"I should be the one thanking you (Y/n). You've worked so hard for the day care" Mrs. Tateyama smiled.

Who knew that day was to be my last in the day care? Shutting it down was extremely hard. But finding a new one is much more difficult. Now here I am sitting by the river, wallowing at the fact I am now jobless and would likely be homeless if I don't find another job that suits me. The sun was already setting, in a few minutes its going to get dark. But I don't even have any strength to head back home.

Why is this happening to me?


I sat up, to find an orange cat looking at me. It looked adorable so adorable. It's eyes looking back at me with fixation, as if it was studying me. I slowly reached out my hand, hoping it would approach me, but it only just sat in place. It then tilted its head, its eyes still focused on me. I tried to shuffle to the left, its gazed followed. I move to the right, still its eyes never left me.

This was one peculiar cat...

"Is there a superstition about orange cats? If there is, I hope its the good kind" I sighed. "I'm no relying on luck to get me out of this ditch I'm in... This sucks"


I looked back at the cat still watching me. To be honest, this was one weird cat. I growled at it hoping it run away- but it didn't leave. It was now getting creepy.

"Well, if your here to stay... I guess you're fine listening to my jobless woes" I said.

The cat suddenly began to walk away.


'Meow' he moved his head. Am I delusional or is this cat gesturing me to follow him? The cat's eyes look like it was eager to make me follow him. Well, I don't really know what to do else, better go on a random adventure with this tabby cat then.

As I stood up, the cat began to move. I was just following him to who knows where. If this cat's just going to find a nearby dumpster, I'll punch myself for thinking this cat's doing me a favor or something. I must be crazy and desperate. I've been following this cat around for almost thirty minutes now and somehow, its still hasn't stopped walking.

It's already getting dark now and here I am following a cat in the bustling streets of Yokohoma. It was hard catching up the cat since the streets were filled with people here and there- I even almost lost sight of him.

"H-Hey wait up!" I exclaimed as the cat squeezed itself into a crowd of people. It was hard keeping track of him as I pushed through the crowd.

"E-excuse me!... S-sorry- heya" I kept mumbling to the people in the crowd. Soon enough, I finally caught a glimpse of the cat- I was near him. Almost there-

I finally exited the bustling crowd, only to end up tumbling- accidentally bumping into someone.

"Oh my-" I heard him speak.

"I-I'm sorry!" I quickly apologize. I suddenly froze upon hearing the person's voice. I looked up to see brown haired male- in an instant my heart was about to burst. I can't believe it. There is no doubt...

It's him!


"OI DAZAI, QUIT BLOCKING THE DOORWAY" A tall spectacled male with blond hair pushed Dazai out of the way. His blond hair was tied into a pony tail. He had a stern look on his face which was intimidating.

"Now, now Kunikida-san... Can't you see we have a quest?" Dazai replied, pointing at me. I wanted to say something but the fact Dazai's here- he's standing in front of me is just surreal. I was tongue tied.

The male known as Kunikida turned to me. He was tall and more intimidating up close. "Hey, is this man bothering you?" He asked.

My eyes widened, a bit confused on the sudden question. "H-Huh what?"

"Don't entertain idiots like him, in fact- stay away from idiots like him" Kunikida said.


"Kunikida" Dazai interjected. "That's not how you do a first impression on our new member!"

"H-Huh? New member?" I furrowed my brows. I was now more confused than ever. Even Kunikida's as confused as I am.

"Dazai if you're here fooling around I will-"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Dazai's voice sent a chill down my spine. He looked at me, giving a bright and goofy smile. "She's going to be a valuable member in the agency. You're going to love the Armed Detective Agency"

"Armed Detective Agency?"

What just happened?


I hope you guys liked this special chapter hehehehehe....

I didn't really expect that this story would blow up all of a sudden. It was just a random BSDxReader that came into mind. I truly appreciate the love you guys have for this short story!!! And so I have decided to at least satisfy you guys with a short special chapter hehehehehehehehehhehehehehehee


Anyways, I hope you all are doing well!!! Check out my other works if you guys wish to simp on Sebastian Michaelis or have intentions on becoming a student in UA ;)))

That's all!!!

Issa out!

Moonlight 《MAFIA DAZAI × Reader》Where stories live. Discover now