Of plans and schemes

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Naruto stood in a clearing with a few of his kids and friends. Today they were having a picnic with everyone. In the career such as theirs, every moment with friends and family was precious in the ever short life of ninjas. The blond was so far enjoying himself but he could not get rid of this nagging feeling. This only happened when the Mizukage was up to something dealing with him or his twins. Sadly the feeling was directly pointing at him. He gave a somewhat defeated sigh as he silently hoped the Mizukage and his children did nothing today. Naruto knew that hope will be quickly dashed sooner or later. And here the vary dashers of his hope walking into the clearing. Some being his children Yuna, Cloud, Emiko and Kazuyuki, while with the children were Kakashi, Amami, Jiraya and Tsunade.

Yuna had run up to her father once she saw him. She gave him a quick hug before saying, "Hello tou-san. Is everyone here?"

"Yes everyone is here now," the blond man spoke as a chuckle passed his lips from his daughter antics. The young girl let go of her father before going to where her siblings were. Yuna was actually the really child out of the bunch. For that, he really loves the little fact about the child. Naruto really hoped that crazy women didn't involve his innocent one in this. Because if she did, he will hunt her down back to the hidden village and hurt her for the corruption.

"Oi, Naruto-kun," the very women called out. Looking at the women with an intense glare while thinking that he might as well get this over with before her plan can start. The women stood slightly behind Jiraya and Tsunade for protection when she saw the glare.

"Well Amami...," stated Naruto as he looked at the red head women. The women just smiled back at him, which caused him to intensify his glare and cross his arms.

"Well what?" Amami replied back, never letting the smile fall from her face. The whiskered male snorted at that question. She knew what was going on.

"Amami, I know you. And I know you're up to something here. You've done this so many times that I developed a sixth sense to your mischief and plans," spoke out the younger male as he shifted his glare to a stern stare.

"Please, I don't do those kinds of things," Amami stated aloud, trying to look innocent of any previous crimes she had done. Another loud snort of disbelief came from the Uzumaki. Not believing her since most of her little schemes and crimes targeted him. As the red and blond continue to argue over this, giving the three bystanders a head ache in the process, a certain snake was scheming on his own. While dreaming of fire and conquest for himself despite the cost.

-----Sound Village-----

"Is it almost done Kabuto?" hissed out a tired out Sanin. It was almost time for him to get a new body again. This time the new body will last if his calculations are right. If they were, this new body will be the last for the long time. Plus, with the body comes the newer portion of the plans of his. They will activate as soon as the transfer is complete.

"Yes my lord. Everything is complete and ready for the transfer," answered the gray haired male as he finishes the last minute preparations the subjects. The subjects were a sound ninja from the southern part of the village and his master Orochimaru. Going to one of the massive glass door refrigerators in the lab, Kabuto opened to take out two glass beakers. One of the beakers was filled with a red liquid while the other was filled with a green liquid. Returning to a table in between the metal slabs the patients were on and placing the beakers on them. A soft sucking noise was heard when the refrigerator door closed on its own.

"Hurry up Kabuto! I can feel this body degenerate and dying," exclaimed Orochimaru as he tried to get his personal medic ninja to hurry up with the process. He could feel his body decaying rapidly. The decaying process was quicker than before. Thus the reason he put so much research into making this body last this time.

Also comes with the add bonus of it working of keeping this body for the long haul while gaining bloodlines without the need of switching bodies. If this works then he will know the first person to try this on as a test subject. He couldn't help but to give a weak and cruel smile at the fact that he finally gets revenge on both Konohagakure and his enemies.

Kabuto poured the red liquid into the sound ninja mouth before he went over to his master and poured the green substance into his mouth. The ninja behind Kabuto started to shake a little before settling down on the metal slab. Looking at his master, Kabuto notices that his master current body shook a little before it completely arched forward.

Charka and his soul lurched out from the body and formed a compressed ball. Putting on some specialized gloves that was used in all of the other transfers; Kabuto started to guide the soul that was compressed with chakra to the other body. He activated the seal on the body that was placed days before. The chakra slowly flowed into the body before the soul itself melted into it. Minutes passed before a significant amount of life was shown in the previously dead body.

"Master?" the medic called out to the body. He silently hoped that the transfer did not work. The medic was very tired of working with this vile man already. But that was quickly dashed as an audible groan passed the body lips.

"Kabuto...," the body called out as an arm reach out from the table. Kabuto sighed as he came closer to the table and grabbed onto the arm.

"I am here my lord," Kabuto spoke, masking the sadness of never having the chance of leaving for the next few years. If ever again if this had really worked. All he could hope now is the liquid in the body backfires and causes the Sanin death. The only light in the room blinked out in the room as the item own life was gone.

-----Clearing in Konohagakure-----

Naruto looked up into the sky seeing only several birds fly away from the trees. Something in this world has changed. For the better or the worst he did not know. Naruto just hoped that whatever happened in the world does not affect him or his village.

"Naruto," Tsunade called out to the younger blond. Naruto turning head over to the older women he sees a worried look on her face. She could tell something was wrong with him. Both of them are the same in so many ways. If the feeling she was having was the same as his then she knew his problem. Something was coming. And was coming face and hard.

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