So sick of love songs

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"A yes and a no, when I heard Cloud call out to I went to see what my favorite ex-student was doing. That's when I saw Iruka being fucked by your husband, Neji, like some common whore on the streets. When you ran away I chased after you to see if you were ok. To tell you the truth I'm surprised as well; to have my lover I trusted so much cheat on my like that especially in a ally way with the famous genius Neji," Kakashi emotionally stated, but the single eye that showed betrayed the mask. His eyes shows that he is sadden at the thought of his lover doing that.

"You're not the only one who trusted a loved one and got hurt," Naruto whispered, but Kakashi heard the remark. Both of them looked upon the setting sun in the distance; their sadness will turn into anger, then into revenge. Naruto and Kakashi already silently decided he they won't go after Iruka, because he was too much of a friend to them, but Neji was a completely another story. Finally the silence was broken went Naruto said, "Kakashi, I don't know if I can love again. It will be a miracle if I can in this life."

After that statement the blond walked off mountain leaving Kakashi alone to ponder in his own thoughts for awhile.

------Next day in Tsunade office-----

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD OF A TWO TIMING WHORE!" yelled a very angry busty blonde known as the Fifth Hokage and heiress of the Senju line. She yelled loud enough that people in spring and stone country had to cover their children ears, and few people other people winced and felt pity for the person in Hokage-sama path today.

"B-b-but...," sputtered out the shocked and fearful ninja before the angry women.

"NO BUTS ASSHOLE! You disgraced the Hyuuga bloodline, your children, and your soon-to-be ex-husband! Even if you're from the branch clan and Naruto had found a way to take that tattoo off your forehead, that's no way to act like or to repay Naruto. I wish Naruto never taken that tattoo off of you, so we can do something about you!" yelled a red faced Tsunade. He was even more fearful now. His husband stood beside Hiashi, Kakashi, and Jiraya and wasn't looking at him. The brunette didn't know if it was out of shame of him or sadness of the recent events.

"Neji, you wont be stripped of your name because Naruto saved your ass once again and he has forgiven you. Although I don't know why, but I guess it's in his nature to forgive even after what he been through all the years before meeting the rookie 9 and everyone else. He also made the decision of switching back to his surname of Uzumaki, along having the children become part of his clan," Hiashi stated to his nephew. Now Neji was clearly surprised. He did not expect this when coming into the Hokage office this morning.

His name wasn't stripped but his children and husband was. And it was his own fault that they were stripped away from him. This entire mess was his fault for being so stupid for once in his life. He had everything and threw out the window two years ago. He fell on his knees, a tear falling freely down his cheek.

"N-N-Naru-kun I'm-," he started to say only to have Naruto disappeared from the room in a cloud of smoke not before saying in a small voice, "Leave me alone Neji and fuck you're new lover or something."

They just looked at Neji with disgust in their eyes. Silence stood in the wake of them in till Tsunade broke the silence, "Neji, go pack your things and find an apartment. Naruto needs the compound more than you."

Neji nodded as he got off the floor and left the office without uttering a word. They just sighed; this was something they would never ever expect to ever happen to Naruto or Kakashi at least. No one knew what to expect for Naruto and his children future for all of them saw him in a happy future with Neji. Now all they could do now was to move along in life.

-----Next day again, village of Konohagakure----

"Have you heard?" said a young women villager said in front of the Yamanaka flower shop. Ino barely stopped she was doing as she listened to the civilians talk. She gained enough experience from the academy and being a ninja to listen onto people conversations. She wouldn't be the gossip queen if she wasn't able to. And being the gossip queen means that she wanted gossip that could be worth talking about.

"Heard what?" asked the younger of the two women. Eagerly wanting to hear what her friend had to say, Ino was eagerly waiting as well for the dirt.

"Neji Hyuuga and Naruto are getting a divorce because that bastard Neji was fucking Naruto ex-sensei in an ally near here. What makes it worst is the fact three of their children, which happened to Naruto Genin team, was with Naruto and saw it to. How could the genius do that? His smart enough to be a number one ninja, but not a number one husband, everyone could easily tell Naruto gave his heart him, yet he did it," the villager said to her friend in horrified excitement. The younger civilian looked at her in shock. Ino to wanted to look at the women in shock but couldn't.

"Oh my god, that handsome ninja must be hurt, anything else happened? Which sensei is it?" the younger villager asked wanting more information out the women.

"Hai, the one that betrayed him was that academy sensei, Iruka. I also heard that Naruto is going to switch his and their kid's names to Uzumaki when the papers are final. I hope that guy will be ok, since he has to take care of six young kids who are Genin now and two Chuunin," she said walking away from the flower shop front with younger civilian. Ino dropped her watering can and ran off to tell her husband and the rest of her friends after hearing this piece of information. Right now her blond friend needs his friends.

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