Phase three thinking

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"Love? Hate? Pain? Happiness? Use to be meaningless emotions to me until Naruto came into my life as my first love years ago... I loved and lost him and that was my own fault back then. Now we have two children between us that I love. The only reason that I lost Naruto is because I had fallen in love with Iruka to but lost him as well. Am I really ready to try again," Kakashi asked himself. Right now he didn't know. He didn't want to risk losing a love again because of circumstances or some other crap.

'Ha! You will never be ready to love someone. No matter who the person is, 'YOU' will never truly love them back even if 'THAT' person gave 'THEIR' heart to 'YOU',' a sudden voice had cued in. The voice had startled the sharingan user.

'Who the hell you?' Kakashi question the entity while mentally growling at the voice.

'Well, are we touchy Mr. Genius? I'm your inner voice. The other side of you, or in other terms, Inner Kakashi, CHA!' Inner Kakashi stated, holding up a mental fist. Kakashi just sweat drop at the sudden development. The voice reminded him to much of Sakura at the moment.

'I must be going crazy or something,' Kakashi thought as he started pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his single visible eye.

'Nope, you're not crazy. If you were, you would hear multiple voices and that ain't happening. Now to get on to business, you're afraid of true contentment. As in, you 'MARRING' someone in life. That why you turn gay. When you found out Naruto can bear children you stuck yourself with Iruka, even when you didn't really love the bastard of the sea,' Inner Kakashi stated, waging a finger mentally.

'Ok....Can you kindly repeat that to me,' Kakashi asked, kindly mentally averting his eyes from his Inner self.

'Ok. You + Love + Commitment = you keep fucking avoiding the god damn subject all together by not wanting to fucking marry Naruto when you found out he had your kids and you thought was going to ask that or try to get back with you with 'YOUR KIDS' in tow,' Inner Kakashi roared at Kakashi. Kakashi mentally flinched from the yelling but he knew the voice was speaking the truth to him.

'Whoa......Touchy aren't we,' Kakashi stated at his inner self.

'ITS HARD TO NOT TO BE TOUCHY WHEN YOU HAVE TO BE AROUND SOMEONE LIKE YOU ALL THE TIME AND HAVE NO SAY IN YOUR LIFE TO HELP YOU!' Inner Kakashi roared again. If Kakashi was a coward and could run somewhere right now he would. The problem is that you can't run away from your mind.

'Please calm down, it's not like we're enemies or anything like that,' Kakashi shakily said, trying to calm down his inner self down before he somehow make himself anger.

'This shit is weirder than Gai youth speeches and his green wearing spandex self,' Kakashi thought to himself.

'I HEARD THAT KAKASHI! IM NOT WEIRDER THAN THAT GREEN SPANDEX BEAST FREAK OF KONOHAGAKURE! NOW GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP AND GO APOLOGIZE THAT BLONDE HEADED FOOL YOU LOVE YOU PERVERT SILVER HEADED COPY NINJA!' Inner Kakashi roared again at his counterpart. Kakashi taking the chance scrambled out bed and out the apartment looking for the blonde before he gets yelled at again by his inner self. He ran through the crowd until he finally found blonde hair in the crowd by the market district.

'Naruto...,' Kakashi thought as he speed up a little to catch up to the blonde he loved.

'MOVE IT! MOVE IT!' Inner Kakashi cheered on to get Kakashi to move faster. Kakashi made it to the blonde to see Naruto holding Neji hand as their teams pulled them. Then the sudden Neji kissed Naruto on the cheek and he blushed. Kakashi saw it and felt as if part of his heart was ripped off. Naruto turned around and his eyes widen as he saw Kakashi staring at him, he quickly let go of Neji and turned around to Kakashi.

"Kakashi...," Naruto stated meekly, eyes half lidded in physical sadness.

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