Trying once more

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'How can I be so stupid. I should have known he would go back to that little bastard of a Hyuuga.' Kakashi scolded himself stubbornly. Kakashi shifted into a more comfortable position in his bed and looked out into the night sky threw his bedroom window.

'Yes you are stupid. You're a ninja; you're supposed to think ahead about this kind of crap.' his inner self argued back.

'Oi, aren't my inner self? You're supposed to think ahead as well, right?' he growled at the voice.

'!' Inner Kakashi quickly replied before making a hasty retreat into the darkest reaches of Kakashi mind. Kakashi growled once again, 'Stupid inner voice.'

-----Somewhere else-----

"Wow, I just saw him growl. Your right about the inner voice appearing in his mind," someone voiced in from the outside of Kakashi apartment inside a tree.

"Yes I was. And it's all thanks to Iruka and his technique that's better than the Yamanaka mind techniques," someone else voiced in the conversation.

"Geez....You don't need to thank me, Amami-sama," Iruka said blushing while scratching the back of his head.

"Come on Iruka, you have to take some credit for it. It is your technique and it works so well. Right Jiraya?" Amami replied enjoying the blush that she made appear on the tanned ninja. Looking to the man, she saw him turned around and giggling lightly. Both Iruka and Amami eyes twitched slightly at the man perverted actions. Why are they friends with this man again?

Before Amami could knock the pervert over, Iruka asks, "So what is the next step Amami-sama?"

She went back to looking into Kakashi apartment and see's the man tossing and turning in the bed. Obviously the voice was back in his mind to torment him again. She replied, "Well, a few more minutes of the voice and he should go find Naruto once again?

True to her word, Kakashi got of the bed and left the bedroom. Bringing a hand to her head, she activated the headset and calmly spoke, "Shi-kun, are you there? I repeat: Shi-kun, are you there."

"Yes, I am. Along with Cloud, Emiko, and Satoru," Shi replied back to her.

"Good. Anyway, Kakashi is out of his apartment and by the looks of it he is looking for Naruto. Do you have Naruto alone?" she asked into the headset.

"Hai Mizukage-sama. Naruto is by the lake alone, we told them we're getting the rest of the gang to have some fun together," one of them replied.

"Ok, Yuna get out there girl," the kage spoke in the headset mike making everyone sweat-drop at women weird in mood change. What scared them was the fact they are use to her drastic mood changes that happen so often.

"Um...yeah...I am here Amami-san and currently waiting for Kakashi to past me by. Wait, I see him now. I'll talk you guys later. Signing out," the young Hyuuga branch heiress said before cutting the connection off with the others.

"I hope this works Amami-san. Because if this does not work, there's going to be a major down fall for all of us if they find out," someone said before cutting the connection of the headset themselves.

"I hope this works as well," Amami said before leaving the tree that's next to Kakashi apartment. Jiraya and Iruka soon followed suit, hoping things will be in their favor for the future.

------Yuna POV------

Placing the headset in my ninja pouch I ran to the silver haired man and yelled out, "Kakashi-san!"

He looks over to me and his visible curved up happily as he waved to while I approached.

"Is there anything you need Yuna-chan?" he asked me politely. I smile at the ninja before me and said, "No, no. I don't need help. I just came get you."

"May I ask, to get me for what?" he asks, a thin eyebrow rising up questionably at me. I look away from my father ex-sensei and friend.

"Yeah....I, my brothers and sister, along Naruto-tou-san and the rest of our friends are gathering near the lake for a picnic and we thought you would like to come. Naruto-tou-san is already there by the lake," I replied looking back at the ninja that most likely be our other father that we need back home. Especially for tou-san he is needed.

------Kakashi POV------

'How ironic, when I start looking for Naruto here comes one his children to do something and Naruto is already there by himself. I got this feeling Amami is the one behind this picnic,' I thought solemnly bringing my head up and watched a bird fly by in the clear sky.

"Well are you coming or not Kakashi-san?" the young Uzumaki asked bringing me out of my thought process. I look at her and answered, "Sure, I'll come. Lead the way Yuna."

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