Impending love

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Kakashi brought Naruto inside the house, bridal style. He carried the sleeping blonde to his room and laid him on his master bed. Kakashi smiled at the beautiful sleeping blonde. He was so caught up in the sight that he didn't notice the footsteps that signaled that someone entered the room with them.

"Father?" asked a young female voice. Kakashi turned his head and looked at his young daughter, Emiko. She gasped and noticed that her father was unmasked. For the longest, she knew her father always kept his face covered. Kakashi noticed and quickly cover his face back with his mask. Emiko smirk, giving her father "I-know-something-and-Kazuyuki-will-be-so-pissed-that-he'll-annoy-you-for-the-longest-to-get-it" look.

"Yes, Emiko?" answered Kakashi, slightly paranoid his face maybe known public to the world. For he know how his children are like. Just like the father that had birth them. She walked in a stood beside her father.

"Don't worry father, I wont tell how your face looks like father. That's something my blonde headed father should only see," Kakashi sighs in relief before she continues, "Do you think father will be ok?"

"He'll be fine Emiko. It will be awhile before he can completely fall in love again. But that's what I believe," he states as looks down at her and see the worried look on her face. She just nodded and looked at her sleeping father with sad eyes. Naruto shifted on the bed, mumbling something of "Please stay beside me Kakashi," before letting a tear fall down the side of his face. Emiko looked at her silver head father with mischievous eyes before leaving the room with a smile on her face.

"I believe he found love already father, just don't mess it up this time and wait," she said as she closed the door. Kakashi just shook his head at the fact his child was too much like him and Naruto. He just hoped she wasn't too much like him or their will be another orange book reading ninja in Konohagakure. He looked at Naruto and smiled before leaving the room in a gentle whirlwind of leaves and wind.


Naruto woke up to the ever so annoying light of the god damn sun. He rubbed his eyes from the lingering sleep and looked around. Noticing that Kakashi was sleeping in a cushioned chair next to his bed wearing only gray pajamas pants while his orange book was covering his face. He blushed slightly at the sleeping Kakashi before he started to slightly poke him in repetition. He poked him again, only got a snort out of him. Naruto poked him three more times. He started become annoyed by this. He knew Kakashi was a light sleeper from experience in the village and on the field when they had a mission.

Naruto took a big pillow off the bed and did a major whack upside the sliver headed ninja. Making him snort loudly and fall to the floor with a big thump.

"Hey! What was that for?" he asked in slight shock. Naruto pouted as he sat on the bed.

"Your fault, you wouldn't get up went I poked you faker," Naruto states as he got up and headed for the closet.

"I'm no faker," Kakashi states, watching Naruto intensely. Naruto rolled his eyes, walking towards the bathroom.

"Say that to your name oh great 'Copy Ninja of Konohagakure.' Now get your ass in the kitchen pervert, I'll be there in a minute," Naruto said, closing the door behind him.


Naruto smelled the wonderful cooking of smoothing good. He walked in the Kitchen and smiled at the scene. Emiko, Cloud, Haku, and Kazuyuki were setting up the table, Kakashi was cooking, and the rest of the kids were probably off doing their chores or something. The four kids noticed their father leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. He placed a finger on his lips to keep them quite and winked at them. They suppressed a giggle as they saw their father sneak towards their other father/friend.

Naruto loving wrapped his arms Kakashi waist, hugging him lightly. Kakashi looked back and smiled slightly at the grinning blonde behind him.

"Nice to see you're with us Naruto," Kakashi gladly stated as Naruto released him. He wished Naruto would keep that hold on him.

'Naruto....Why are you making me fell this way again for you? Did I really love Iruka, or did I accidentally fall in love with you again? I guess I can't help falling in love with you Naruto if that happened Naruto, because I knew I loved you before I meet you Naruto,' Kakashi thought, watching Naruto help cook with breakfast before turning back to the cooking himself. Thirty minutes later they were done cooking.

"Kids, go get you brothers and sisters and tell them to breakfast is ready," Naruto nervously asked them to do.

"Why are you nervous Naruto?" Kakashi asked his blonde headed ex-student.

"Kakashi, I suggest you stand over here," Naruto warned as he stood at the other end of the kitchen. Not doing what Naruto had warn, Kakashi stood in the middle of the kitchen as he heard the faint sounds of footsteps and voices enter the house.

"Why?" he asked in a suggestive tone of voice before hearing voices and running footsteps of the kids getting louder.

"Over here, now," Naruto growled at Kakashi before seeing the lovable silver head ninja get run over by two chuunin's and six genin's. All you saw was a twitching Kakashi with swirls of eyes, and footsteps all of him as lay on the floor. Naruto just anime sweat drop, knowing full in well he warned Kakashi of the impending doom that was soon to come and that when breakfast and dinner came around, never stand near the stove when you tell the kids to come and eat.

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