Part 11

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Part 11 starts here????

*swipe for picture of her dress*

We cheered, for the first half and then I was anxious I didnt know whether to leave or not, Colby needed me, but I already missed practice and leaving now would be bad. We a short break right now and I'm talking to tara and sydney when I was pushed into sydney and tara they luckily dont fall, and neither do I, i turn around and see kenzie, looking proud, I roll my eyes and say "what?"

"Oh nothing, just wondering, why Brennen left you, were you not giving into his needs or were you just not good enough." She says innocently but looks at me like I'm trash, I go up to her.

"Listen, Makenzie, you are a hoe, who opens their legs for anyone, you cheat on a good guy like Stephen with all the football players except a few. So please shut the fuck up leave me alone and get away from me I dont want your hoe germs." I say and do a shoo motion with my hands. She pushes me again and I go falling to the ground but I grab her hair and take her with me, she starts slapping me and yelling let go of my hair, I start slapping her and kicking her and punching her.

"STOP! GIRLS STOP RIGHT NOW!" I hear coach say, I try to get up but this bitch still has my hair in her nasty hands, I slap her again and she let's go and I get up seething probably with scratch marks all over my face and my hair everywhere.

" Y/N! KENZIE! YOUR DONE FOR TONIGHT AND YOU CAN EXPECT YOURSELVES BOTH SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHWR NOTICE." She yells at us. I nod my head and look at tara and sydney and nod my head at them and leave as I'm leaving through the gate of the football field I see colby and walk towards him.

"Wow, great face and hair now let's get you home where you can take a shower get into a dress and then we can go." We get into the car and we drive as we are driving he asks, "Are you okay." He asks in a calm, pinged with worry voice. I say "yes" and we arrive at my house. I invite him and he sits on the couch while I go upstairs and take a quick shower, change into my dress and straighten my hair and do my makeup. I am done in 30 minutes and walk downstairs to colby sitting on my couch, his feet on the coffee table, and hes watching spongebob, what the heck who would have suspected he liked spongebob.

I clear my throat and he looks up and turns off the tv and walks to me and stands in front of me.

"You look nice." He says. NICE!? NICE!? THATS ALL. WOWWWWW. I look at him a nd realized he changed as well into a tux.

" You look nice as well." I keep my eye roll down and we head to his car.

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