Part 22

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Part 22: y/n POV

"Colby" I let out a sigh of relief, but then realize he didnt hear me over the loud music and him beating up brennen. I lay my hand on his shoulder, and pull him trying to make him stop. "Colby he isnt worth it, just stop its fine." He looks at me.

"Y/n why are you so calm, if I wasnt here he could have raped you. RAPED YOU!" Colby said standing up and looking at my face, he sighed, "are you alright?" He says.

"I'm fine. Just take me home." I say tired, he nods and grabs my hand and takes me to his car, he drives but not the direction of my house. "Where are you taking me?" I look at him.

"Well I see the bags under your eyes, I have a feeling, you havent been getting sleep so we are gonna go to my house." He says as we pull into a gated house, he puts in a passcode and unlocks the gate and let's us in. We get out of his car and he has 2 boys standing in front of his house with guns, dressed in black, colby leans over to me and whispers, "they are just bodyguards ignore them." He takes my hand and leads me into the house, pass the bodyguards. His house is huge, I look at colby, "Colby, what do you do? You have to do something huge if you have a huge gated mansion and bodyguards, so enlighten me what do you do?"

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