Part 21

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Part 21: y/n POV

I walk into the party heading for the drinks because I didnt see sydney anywhere, I drink 5 shots, before feeling a bit past tipsy. I walk to the dancefloor and start dancing. I stood dancing there for 10 minutes before someone handed me a drink I drank it and then moved to the kitchen, sydney never said who's party this was and I'm now pretty sure she knew if she did I wouldnt have came. I'm suprised I'm just now realizing this is Brennen's house. I see brennen, he sees me and gives me a confused look, he looks drunk to me, and probably is, which is why he is moving towards me.

"Yo, y/n you look very sexy in that dress" he says looking me up and down, used to I would feel loved but now I feel disgusted, maybe it was the alchohol, I just stare at him. He grabs my arm and says in my ear, "maybe we can go upstairs and continue the party." I push him off and say no. He doesnt get it and grabs my arm again, I try to shake it off but he has a strong grip and pulls me to the stairs.

"Brennen I said no, let me go." I say loudly at him, trying to pull away from him.

"Oh come on y/n I know you miss me." He says with a smirk and looks back at me continue to drag me towards the stairs. I stare at the back of his head with hatred.

"No Brennen your wrong, I hate you, you were just some boy who made me laugh at a party once now I loathe the sight of you" maybe it was just the alcohol talking or maybe I am falling for someone else but I said it, and hes still dragging me.

"Angry sex then." He says like he didnt hear a word I said, I start tearing up feeling as if he might actually rape me. But then my arm is freed and he's on the floor with soemone on top of him punching him.

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