Part 12

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Part 12: y/n POV

"So what's happening tonight?" I asked.

"Nothing really just a dinner." He says tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

We arrive to this 3 story mansion, about 30 other expensive cars are parked.

"We got here a little early so let's go." Colby says getting out of the car, opening my door. I step out and we go to the main door. We get there. And colby stops and pauses. " So I forgot to mention something, I need you to pretend to be my wife. Its safety purposes kinda." He says quickly pulling out a box with a beautiful ring in it. I pick it up.

"Do I have to wear it?" I ask giving him a confused look, hes hiding something.

"Yes." Colby says and takes my hand leading me towards the door and actually opening it this time. We are met my a middle age couple both feel welcoming.

"Hi, I am Mrs.Denson and this is Mr.Denson, we are hosting this party." They say with a smile, we shake hands and colby introduces me as his wife with the same last name. They look at me like I'm garbage, I dont glare at them like I want too but I silently murder colby in my mind for not standing up for me like he invited me here and now hes not defending me. We go inside and we go towards a table with the words "Mr. And Mrs. Brock." On them. We sit there, and we are alone after about an hour of colby talking to guests most, look at me like I'm trash. I dont see why I look very beautiful, or maybe I do just look nice, like colby said.

"Colby, what is this? What do you do, that makes you have to be here? That makes me have to wear a ring? Why is half the people here glaring at me? Why arent you standing up for me?" I say frustrated that I've been sitting here for almost an hour, just looking around and hearing conversations that arent interesting. Colby looks at me, I can see a glare behind his eyes, but he doesn't show it since we are supposed to look married.

" Y/n. No questions, you agreed to this. If it were my choice I wouldnt have came here. With you, definetly not as my wife. But since they saw you and I together, we have to act like we are important to each other." He says very quietly.

"Who are they?" I asked, he just turns around and stares at the other people. This confuses me. Everything he does, confuses me. I'm frustrated at this, at him, at brennen, at Kenzie, at everyone, this has to be one of the worse weeks of my life, nobody is giving me answers to why brennen broke up with me, what colby was gonna say at the party, why I'm at soem stupid dinner party with colby when we are just sitting here. I'm done. "Fine, you wont answer me, I'll leave."

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