Part 25

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Part 25: COLBY POV

I sit beside y/n for the first time since we've been in the hospital, which has been a month. We missed graduation, but we graduated due to the circumstances. At the play it was the people who put picture of me in y/n room, they shot y/n in the head, and I shot them all but they shot me in the chest and leg. This is the first time I can actually get up to see y/n without harming myself. The doctor came in, I thought she was gonna tell me to get out cause I wasn't supposed to be here, but instead she asks, "So y/n has no family?" I shake my head and the doctor left. I did my background check on y/n when I saw her at the party that night. The same people who was supposed to kill me or really they made y/n think they were gonna kill me but instead killed her, anyway they killed her mother and father and brother all in the same night 6 years ago. Y/n is in a coma or atleast that's what the clipboard said outside, I wont stop coming here until she wakes up, if she dies I dont know what I'll do.
*6 months later*

I walk in take the same seat I've been taking for the past 6 months and look at y/n shes beautiful. My gang is worried about me not getting enough sleep but I brush them off. The doctor said y/n should hopefully be waking up soon because there has been more brain activity. I sit there and stare at her, "y/n, it's been 7 months since I heard your beautiful voice, I miss you. Please wake up soon." Her heart rate starts increasing and her hand twitched, "c'mon you can do this y/n, come on wake up." I say encouragingly. Her eyes slowly flow open and I smile.

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