Part 23

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Part 23: y/n POV

Colby smirks and slowly backs me up against the wall and runs a finger down my face, reminding me of when he took me into a classroom and grabbed my neck. "Now we all have secrets dont we? So when you reveal yours I'll reveal mine. I'm sure you've heard rumours anyway of what I do." He looks at me, I think and yes I have heard things, like he was a boxer, or that he was a gang leader none I believed true, but now is a difference story. 2 months ago I would have passed it along like I did any other rumor. 2 months ago, I would scowl everytime I heard colbys name, but now I feel my eyes drifting towards his lips, and think back to the play rehearsal. And subconsciously I feel myself lean in and he doesnt stop me he pulls me closer and our lips meet. We continue making out like that until he picks me up and goes up the stairs and drops me on the bed.... with the question of what he does long forgotten, and now the feeling of need for each other present. We continue the night. .

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