Part 9

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Part 9: y/n POV:

We arrive at the ice cream shop after like 20 minutes we sat down, me with vanilla ice cream, him with chocolate.

"Whyd you take me here? And I still want to know what you were going to say about brennen at your party." I say, wanting to know answers.

"Whoa, why cant I be nice and take you for ice cream or am I not allowed to be nice, cause I supposedly is a druggie." He says and i cant help but feel guilty, cause of what I said.

"You know I only said that to get-" I get interrupted again. God I get interrupted too much.

" yeah yeah I know. Anyway I actually do need soemthing from you, I'm going to this dinner tomorrow night and its fancy and I need a date and I rather it be you." He says.

"Awwwww, are you asking me out?" I say, to which he responds with a playful glare. " kidding, but sure I'll go, but dont think nothing of this." I say seriously.

"Yeah yeah, why would I, miss princess." He says and I roll my eyes

"Whatever, oh shit its thuresday, tomorrow I have a football game to cheer at, which I dont even know if I'm still cheering since I skip today's practice for that stupid rehearsal." I say growing.

"Well maybe you can skip half the football game cheer for half, and then I'll take you home for you to shower and get changed and we can leave." He says.

"I'll try but I'm captain, so its gonna be hard. And do you think I'll be sweaty, please I'm beautiful in my cheer outfit with my hair did." I say smiling. He rolls his eyes.

"Sure let's go with that." He says, he takes me to my car, we have small talk then I go home and get ready for tomorrow I pick out a dress and lay out my uniform as well.

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