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I sat in the pilots seat of an empty jet, not having moved since everyone left the jet to go get changed after the disaster which was the mission

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I sat in the pilots seat of an empty jet, not having moved since everyone left the jet to go get changed after the disaster which was the mission. I stared at the control panel as I finally sighed, standing up and running my hand through my hair, sighing as I made my way off of the jet, a few workers with lanyards around their necks making their way into the jet as I left, ready to prep it so it's ready for another mission.

I smiled at them as I made my way into the compound, the sliding doors opening to a circular room with an elevator opposite and white doors all around the dark blue walls, our prep rooms right next to the helipad. I made my way to the one to the right of the elevator, knocking on the door as I waited for an invite inside. "Come in" Steve shouted as I pushed the door handle down, walking into the room to see Steve sitting on the bench in the middle, taking his boots off as I closed the door behind me, being greeted with a soft smile.

"Hey" he said as I smiled back at him, leaning against the door as I looked down at him, neither of us talking as he pulled his feet from his boots, standing up and moving into the small bathroom which had a toilet and shower in it. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked me as I let out a deep breath, putting my head in my hands. "Yeah, the blows weren't too bad" I told him as I let out a deep breath shaking my head. "You want to talk about it?" he asked me as he came out of the bathroom, pulling off his upper part of his mission suit, revealing his bare chest as I moved over, sitting on the bench as I looked up at him.

"I should've clocked that bomb vest long before we had to deal with it" I told him as he grabbed a hanger from the rail, putting his suit on it as he hung it up making his way back into the bathroom, coming out with a wet cloth as he cleaned off his hands. "We all should have, it's the first thing you look for" he said quietly as I turned to face him, a sad smile on his face as he shook his head. "Rumlow said Bucky and all of a sudden I was thrown back in time" I breathed out as I bowed my head as Steve let out a sigh, leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"And people died, it's on me" I added as I looked up at him, shaking my head as I rubbed my lips together. "It's on all of us" he told me as he looked down at his hand as he continued to scrub them with the damp cloth. "This job, we try to save as many people as we can, that doesn't mean saving them all" Steve started as I looked up at him, making eye contact as he dropped his hands to his side, leaning his head against the doorframe. "But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time no one gets saved" he finished as he came over to me, running his hand over the top of my head as I looked up at him.

He bent down as he kissed my forehead, straightening his back as he turned around, throwing the towel into the sink as he looked down at me, smiling softly as I stood up, closer to him than I thought I would be, knowing that Steve was right in this situation. "I love you" I said to him as I smiled at him, putting my hands on his belt as I pulled him closer to me, my hands brushing his bare waist as he leaned down a little bit. "I love you too" he said before I kissed him quickly, Steve pulling away as he wiped the corners of his mouth. "Okay, I need to shower" he said as I smirked at him, Steve taking a few steps back.

"Do you want me to join you?" I asked as he turned around, walking towards the bathroom, as he went inside, turning the water on. "I think i'll be fine" he shouted at me as I nodded my head, turning towards the door. "Maybe later" he added as I left the room, a smirk on my face as I pushed the button for the elevator, deciding to go straight upstairs to take a shower, this mission being a civilian clothed one for me. The elevator opened as Tony stood there, putting his phone down as he saw me, taking his glasses off of his face as I loooked at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Everything okay? I don't see you down here much" I asked him as he took a step out of the elevator, the door closing as I didn't bother catching them, knowing that whatever Tony was about to say wasn't going to be good. "General Ross is here, you guys have 30 minutes before you need to be in meeting room B" he told me as I looked at him a bit more confused now, pushing my hands into my jeans pockets as he sighed, rubbing his temple. "He's not very happy" he told me as I let out a sigh, rolling my eyes as I pushed the elevator button once again, the light shining as I waited, Tony making his way from room to room, knocking on Steve's door first.

"He's in the shower" I told him as he looked at me, an eyebrow raised as I shrugged my shoulders, turning away from him as the elevator doors open, taking a step in as I pushed the button to take me to the floor with the living quarters.


A/N: told you i'd be back
I didn't really mean to make Ally's mood switch so quickly but I originally had this chapter with the roles the other way, Ally was originally consoling Steve but I had to change it last minute
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: told you i'd be back I didn't really mean to make Ally's mood switch so quickly but I originally had this chapter with the roles the other way, Ally was originally consoling Steve but I had to change it last minuteplease vote and comment and ...

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