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I stood over the railing, watching over it as people behind me pushed past to get to the door, following the evac orders which were being blared through the speakers on the roof

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I stood over the railing, watching over it as people behind me pushed past to get to the door, following the evac orders which were being blared through the speakers on the roof. The lunch area below was empty, except from the Winter Soldier who was standing still, not particularly moving as he stared ahead at all the people running around. He had a gun in his hand, probably having taken it from someone he had crossed paths with earlier.

Guards were rushing towards him, guns drawn as they shouted at him to surrender, Bucky not moving as he lifted his gun, preparing to shoot at them as they gradually got closer to him. I waited for as long as I could, really wanting to jump over the ledge to stop him from killing anyone else. But I couldn't start until I knew that everyone was where they were meant to be, which I hadn't been given the signal for yet.

"We're in position" Natasha's voice said through my earpiece, her red hair flashing into view from around the corner which I could see over from my elevated view. Tony came around from the corner opposite, his singular gauntlet glove covering his left hand as it repulsed, sending a blast as Bucky before he could react. Tony blasted him again as he turned around, moving his gun to Tony who rushed towards him, Bucky lifting the gun towards Tony who hit his arm away as well as he could, about to hit him again as Bucky managed to flip the gun into his other hand.

He caught it as he held it up at Tony's face, Tony quick long covering the barrel with his armoured hand, the bullet hitting the glove instead on his face. Tony pulled his hand off, managing to break the gun barrel straight off as Bucky looked down at it quickly. Tony smiled good himself as he hit Bucky along the face with it, the super soldier groaning before reacting by elbowing Tony in the face and hitting him in the stomach, sending him flying into the tables as they shattered under him.

I ran forward as quickly as I could, Sharon and Nat both following me as Bucky saw me coming, flexing his metal hand. "I know you're in there" I shout at him as I ran into him, knowing him in the stomach as he stumbled back a little bit, making me swipe to the ground as I brought my foot under his legs, causing him to fall to the floor as I got up quickly. He flipped up, using his hands to push him off of the floor as I tried to kick him in the side, Bucky grabbing my foot and twisting it, turning me around as I rolled onto the ground and away from him.

Sharon came from behind me, trying to kick him in the side of the face as Bucky caught under her leg easily, flipping her over and sending her into the table. Natasha came from being him as I scrambled onto my feet, running over to Tony who I gave a hand to, helping him stand up as he held his side. "Punches hurt when you don't have a suit on" he groaned as I let go of him as he got onto his feet, turning around to see Bucky slam Natasha onto a table, wrapping his hand around her throat.

I ran over, kicking him in the side as he let her go, letting her take in a deep breath as I shook my head at Bucky, earning a quick jab to the face with his normal hand as I recoiled a little bit, probably breaking my nose with the strength he put behind it. "It's me Ally" I shouted at him, ducking from another punch as I kicked him in the stomach quickly before he could hit me again. "You know me, Bucky you're in there" I shouted as he squinted his eyes at me, not moving his hands for a moment as he kept moving backwards.

"Come on, you're remembering me" I said to him, not shouting anymore as I nodded my head encouragingly, not seeing T'Challa coming from behind him, kicking him in the side as he whipped his head to look at his new attacker. "Stop" I shouted at the two men who were now fighting, T'Challa grabbing hold on Bucky's arm as he twisted it around, managing to hold it down for a moment, which I hadn't seen anyone bar Steve do before. I stood there as I watched Bucky kicked the Wakandan in the chest, sending him tumbling on the floor as he landed on both his feet and hands.

"T'Challa, stop please" I shouted at him as Bucky began climbing the stairs, the man choosing to ignore me as he made a straight go for the railing, leaping up and grabbing it before hopping over, meeting Bucky on the other side. I turned around, watching Natasha as she stood up slowly, her hand on her throat as she limped a little, almost falling over as I rushed over to her. "I almost got him out" I told her as she nodded her head, causing me to turn back to the fight which had now died down, T'Challa jumping from the upper level as he landed on his feet softly, looking around with his eyebrows scrunched.

"Where did he go?" I asked him as the king looked over at me, shrugging his shoulders as his breathing was heavy, causing me to let out a scoff before sighing, knowing that I had spent years attempting to track him down for it having to start all over again if I didn't managed to find him before he left this building.


A/N: sorry this is a day late I just had struggles writing the fight scenes because obviously in the movie it's all over in about 6 minutes, but when writing it the timings don't really work out so i've got to spend some time watching and thinking about it
but anyway please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: sorry this is a day late I just had struggles writing the fight scenes because obviously in the movie it's all over in about 6 minutes, but when writing it the timings don't really work out so i've got to spend some time watching and thinking...

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