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We all stood in silence for a minute, taking in exactly what Bucky bad just told us, everything aligning in my head perfectly as I remembered the secrecy around the new agent 1 and why I was undergoing tests for the serum

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We all stood in silence for a minute, taking in exactly what Bucky bad just told us, everything aligning in my head perfectly as I remembered the secrecy around the new agent 1 and why I was undergoing tests for the serum. I dropped my arms by my side, looking over at Steve who was already looking at me, his eyebrow raised.

"I didn't know" I said to him holding my hands up by my side as Steve raised his eyebrow at me, clearly not believing me. "Okay, I knew but like I didn't know the extent of it" I said quickly, pushing my hands back into my pockets as I shook my head. "I knew that the serum was to be used on people but I thought Agent 1 would be it" I said to Steve who sighed, bowing his head as Bucky shifted in his seat.

"Who's Agent 1?" he asked me as a i turned towards him, not saying anything for a moment as I realised he probably remembered nothing from his HYDRA days. "You" I said simply, making him close his mouth quickly, furrowing his eyebrows as Steve turned towards me. "Okay so who are these other people?" Steve asked me as I closed my eyes, moving my weight to my other foot before I looked over at Bucky quickly, seeing if he wanted to take this one to just see him staring at the floor in front of him.

"Their most elite death squad, they have more kills than anyone in HYDRA history, and that's including me and him" I said, nodding my head over to Bucky as I stopped talking for a moment everything piecing together in my head slowly. "That's what Jansens was working on" I said quietly as Steve looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed as a i shook my head at him. "Did they all turn out like him?" Sam asked me as my eyes shifted onto him, his jaw clenched as he stared at me.

"Worse" I said simply, swallowing the lump in my throat as I shook my head, tipping it back as I looked up at the roof. "Can the doctor control them?" Steve asked as Bucky cleared his throat, leaning forward as he clenched his metal fingers, the vice not stopping his feeling. "Presumably" Bucky answered before I could, Steve crossing his arms over his chest as I looked over at him, not catching his eye. "He said he wanted to see an empire fall" Steve said lightly as he wiped his face with his hand, letting out a deep breath.

"With these guys he could do it, they speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate and destabilise" Bucky listed as I raised my eyebrows, looking down at the floor as I kicked the concrete gently. "Can't we all" I said softly as Steve looked over at me, not having any emotion in his face as he looked away quickly. "They can take down a whole country in one night and you'd never even see it coming" Bucky said as I let out a breath, shaking my head as I pushed my hair behind my ear.

"This would have been a lot easier a week ago" Sam said as Steve looked down at the ground, closing his eyes as he tried to think of what to do right now. "If we call Tony" Steve said as I scoffed, shaking my head as everyone turned to look at me. "He can't help, I'm breaking all kinds of laws by being here right now" I told Steve as he sighed, looking over at Sam who shrugged his shoulders. "You're not staying?" Bucky asked as I looked over at him, shaking my head as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I answer to the government now" I said simply as I looked at his hand which was trapped, turning back to Steve who wasn't looking at me, clearly avoiding eye contact as I looked at Bucky, pointing at the vice. "If I let you out will you go all psycho on us?" I asked him as he smiled at me lightly, shaking his head as I raised my eyebrows at him. "I'll be fine" Bucky told me as I looked over at Sam, nodding my head towards the brick on top of the vice.

"Can you get him out?" I asked Sam as he looked over at me with furrowed eyebrows, pointing between Steve and I. "Why can't one of you do it?" he asked as Steve looked over at me, not knowing how to reply as I raised my eyebrow at him. "I need to talk to him" I said to Sam as Steve and I locked eyes, nodding my head back to the smaller room we were in before as I turned around, making my way into it as he followed after me, Sam sighing as he thought of a way to get the massive brick off of the vice without hurting himself.

"I can't stay for much longer" I said to Steve as I turned around to face him, putting my hand in my pocket as I pulled out the small black velvet ring box, holding it in my hand as I looked down at it, Steve looking at it too. "I think you should have this back" I said to him as I held it out to him, Steve taking it off of me slowly as he held it in his hand, letting out a small breath. "Are you sure?" Steve asked me, looking up as we locked eyes, causing me to nod my head lightly.

"At least for now, maybe until all this has died down" I told him as he nodded his head, pushing it into his pocket as I let out a breath. "Then it can maybe make an appearance again" I said to him as he nodded his head, neither of us talking as we stared at each other for a moment, hearing Sam and Bucky talk from the other room. "I need to get going before they realise i've been gone" I said to Steve, looking down at my watch as he nodded his head, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm going to talk to Bucky before" I said to him as he sighed, closing his eyes as he nodded his head at me. "You three need to get out of Germany in the next 24 hours" I told Steve as I took a step closer to him, his arms shaking around my waist as he pulled me closer to him, my hands setting on his arms as I looked up at him slightly. "I can't tell you when I'll next see you" Steve said to me as I raised my eyebrows at him, a joking smirk on my face as I tried to lighten the moment a little bit, which I was normally good at.

"Hopefully not in the next 36 hours" I told him as he nodded his head, pulling me into him as we embraced for a moment, his heartbeat alarmist syncing to mines as we stood there. "Okay, I need to go" I said to him softly as I pulled back, still in his arms as I kissed him quickly, pulling away first as he kissed me on the forehead before letting me go, a small smile on my face. "I love you" he said to me as I nodded my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

"I know, I love you too"


A/N: hello, here's a chapter which is a little long but that makes up for the last one which was pretty short
the falcon and winter soldier (and wandavision) teaser trailers came out the other day and i'm EXCITED for them
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: hello, here's a chapter which is a little long but that makes up for the last one which was pretty short the falcon and winter soldier (and wandavision) teaser trailers came out the other day and i'm EXCITED for them please vote and comment a...

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