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I stood on the tarmac next to Tony, turning around to see the whole entirety of Steve's team advancing towards us, Peter swinging from an aircraft walkway as he landed next to us, Rhodey flying in as he dropped of T'challa before landed himself on...

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I stood on the tarmac next to Tony, turning around to see the whole entirety of Steve's team advancing towards us, Peter swinging from an aircraft walkway as he landed next to us, Rhodey flying in as he dropped of T'challa before landed himself on the concrete. I watched as they slowly made their way towards us, Vision flying over our heads as he flew over to them, hovering in front of them as he powered up the stone he had on his forehead, sending a blast of light out of it as it hit the ground, breaking up the concrete they were walking on.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe that what you're doing is right, but for the collective good you must surrender now" Vision said to them as I watched Sam turn to Steve, a little unsure on what to do in this situation as we clearly had them cornered. "This isn't going to end well" Natasha said quietly from beside me as they all started running towards us, causing me to turn to Tony who's suit was facing Steve's team face on, not backing down.

We all started running slowly, combating them as I jogged slowly, looking to my side to see Natasha with a worried look on her face. "They're not stopping" Peter said shyly as he ran along on the other side of Tony, looking over at the suited man as Tony took off of the ground, flying along. "Neither are we" he replied as he sped up, Rhodey taking off behind him as well as we all broke into a sprint, running directly towards Steve's team who had also started running quickly.

There was a loud crash as Tony brought his glove into Steve's shield, my sights set on Clint as he drew his bow at me, pulling it back as I slid along the ground straight through his legs as I stood up, pulling my batons from my back as I ran over to him quickly. I watched from the corner of my eye as Rhodey flew after Sam, leading the two of them away from the rest of us to fight in the air as Clint tried to hit be again with another arrow.

"You're not going to get me" I said to him as he swung at my with his bow, a small smile on his face as I hit it with my baton, both of our weapons folding a few times as I managed to get my baton around his neck as I stood behind him. He grabbed onto it as he leaned over, flipping me over his shoulder as I landed roughly on the tamrac causing him to sit his bow over my chest as I managed to get my batons under it.

"We're still friends right?" I asked Clint as I tried to push his bow off of me, causing him to smile down at me as he tilted his head to the side. "Depends on how hard you hit me" Clint said as I managed to push his bow off of me, wrapping my legs around his neck as I twisted myself onto my feet, Clint falling over as we both stood up, causing me to lift my foot to kick him. Before I could touch him my foot got pushed backwards, red wisps surrounding it as both Clint and I turned to see Wanda standing there, flipping her hand as I lost my balance, flipping through the air as I fell onto the ground with a groan.

"You were pulling your punches" Wanda said to Clint as I rolled onto my stomach, letting out a small groan looking over to see Steve and having a small conversation as Peter webbed up Steve, causing him to fall over as he dropped his shield. I stood up, deciding to leave Clint along to someone else as I ran over to Steve and Peter, setting my hands on the front of a car as I jumped on top of it, running over the top of it as I jumped off the back of it, landing gently as I swiped up Steve's shield before he could grab it.

"Let's go easy on the kid" I shouted, watching as Steve jumped into the air, doing a quick twist as it threw Peter through the air, Steve looking over at me as he let out a breath. "How old is he?" Steve asked me as I held his shield on my arm by my side, my staff in my other hand as he turned to face me. "Like 15" I replied as Peter came back over, Steve swiping my legs from under me as he caught the front of my jacket holding me before I could hit the ground as he gently set me down on the tarmac.

He grabbed his shield off of me as Peter webbed Steve's hand, Steve pulling it towards him as he dragged Peter over, smacking him with the shield as Peter did a flip to get out of it, webbing onto the top of the airplanes gangway as I stood up, shaking my head at Steve. "Did Stark tell your anything else?" Steve asked Peter as he landed smoothly up high, both of us looking up at him as he shrugged his shoulders.

"That you're wrong and you think you're right, so that makes you dangerous" Peter said as he jumped off of the top of the gangway, webbing onto it as he swung underneath it, going straight towards Steve who with one hit of his shield sent Peter into the gangways leg. "Guess he had a point" Steve said as he threw his shield at the gangway, the whole thing falling on top of Peter as he held it up with his hands, groaning as he buckled under the weight.

"You got heart kid, where you from?" Steve asked Peter as I shook my head, running over to help get the thing off of Peter who was struggling. "Queens" Peter replied as Steve nodded his head, turning to walkway. "Brooklyn" Steve replied as he looked over at me, winking at me quickly before running away, leaving me trying to save Peter from getting crushed.


A/N: i'm so sorry for not updating in a while, my school had been closed down so it's been a bit hectic lately but now I have loads of free time as there is no online classes or anything
I hope you all are completely safe and healthy right now and i know this can be extremely scary times and it's definitely all confusing but we will get through this together so please do not lose hope
learn a new hobby, read a book you've been meaning to read for ages and please keep washing your hands

A/N: i'm so sorry for not updating in a while, my school had been closed down so it's been a bit hectic lately but now I have loads of free time as there is no online classes or anything I hope you all are completely safe and healthy right now and...

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