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I slept in my bed, the room dark as my breathing was steady, the soft comforter pulled around me as tightly as it could be, keeping in as much warmth as possible

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I slept in my bed, the room dark as my breathing was steady, the soft comforter pulled around me as tightly as it could be, keeping in as much warmth as possible. A bright light flooded my room as it woke me up, making me flip onto my back as I let out a small groan, not very happy with the fact I was being woken up.

I looked at the TV, which was embedded into the wall, as the video call screen shone at me, Natasha's picture there indicating she was calling me as I let out a sigh. "Friday, accept call" I said groggily as I put my hand on my forehead keeping my eyes closed as the screen folded with Natasha's face who was also sitting in bed in a robe, her hair tied up. "Sorry, I forgot about time differences" she said to me as I let out a breath, clearing my throat as I attempted to open my eyes, the light too bright as I closed them once again.

"It's like 3am" I told her, pulling the sheet up to my neck as she turned around, looking at her own clock before turning back to her laptop. "I'm sorry, I can let you sleep" she said to me as I sighed, using my hands to push me up as I leaned against the pillows behind me. "How's Berlin?" I asked her, knowing that I know wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, which only slightly annoyed me. "Boring and pointless, when do you get here?" she asked me, holding a mug in her hand as she wrapped her hand around it, looking at the camera above her screen.

"Thursday, need to get some stuff in order here first" I told her as she nodded her head, letting out a breath through her nose as I ran my hand through my hair, leaning my head back. "I spend most days being questioned by Ross" she told me as I nodded my head, looking at the TV, which was the only thing lighting up the room. "I'm bracing myself for that, he want a full history report?" I asked her, knowing exactly what would be coming from the government, having read it in the fine print before I signed practically my whole life away to him.

"That and a full witness report of Steve and Sam" she told me as I let out a deep breath, clasping my hand in my lap as I closed them for a moment. "They are trying to scrape up any criminal offences to charge them with" she told me as I nodded my head, Tony already telling me everything Ross had told him, which wasn't very much compared to the situation at hand.

"Speaking of" she said quietly, looking down at her mug as she cleared her throat, rubbing her lips together quickly before she looked back up at me. "I called Steve's room first, but you're clearly back in your own now" she said to me as I sighed, slouching down as my head hit the pillows, dropping my arms on either side of me. "I didn't think it was a good idea" I told her, causing her to stay silent as she nodded her head slightly, barley moving as she stared at me.

"I thought I'd be able to convince him to sign them, and everything would be fine, but Bucky came into the equation" I said to her as she raised her eyebrows, the sound of her thoughts practically spilling from her ears even though I pile them even see her, the roof the certain of my focal point. "And before you ask, I don't know what i'm going to do" I told her, knowing what her next question would be, deciding to best her to it, not actually wanting to hear the question.

"I'm going to start the search again, I know I can probably find him before the CIA does" I told her after she didn't reply to me, causing me to roll onto my side, looking at the TV as she nodded her head. "I need to get ready" she said to me, putting her mug down on the table next to the bed as she grabbed her laptop, pulling it further towards her. "Okay, I should probably try to sleep" I told her, my lips pursed at her as she laughed a little, nodding her head and itching her nose.

"Good night" she said to me as I waved, smiling lightly as she hung up quickly, my whole room going dark once again as I dropped my arm onto my bed, my eyes falling closed once again. I laid there for a moment before I let out a deep sigh, swinging my legs over the side of my bed as I stood up, the room not as warm as I thought it would be. I made my way towards the door, pulling it open as my feet hit the cold hard wood floor, making my way to the kitchen to grab a drink, hopefully helping me get back to sleep.


A/N: hello, sorry for the lack of update yesterday and for how short this chapter is, I was a bit stumped on what to write so I just randomly wrote this
please vote and comment and i'll see you later

A/N: hello, sorry for the lack of update yesterday and for how short this chapter is, I was a bit stumped on what to write so I just randomly wrote this please vote and comment and i'll see you later

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