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Steve and I walked down the small dark cobbled road, apartments lining either side of the street with lampposts lighting up the surroundings, my hand in his as we strolled down the middle of the road, not very concerned about cars coming from eith...

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Steve and I walked down the small dark cobbled road, apartments lining either side of the street with lampposts lighting up the surroundings, my hand in his as we strolled down the middle of the road, not very concerned about cars coming from either direction, the street completely free from cars parked next to the sidewalk.

"This was where I broke my heel" I said as I stood walking, Steve doing the same as he laughed lightly, my finger pointing down at the ground as I remembered the time Steve, Bucky and I were walking back to their apartment, my favourite shoes snapping straight under me. "I remember, you refused a ride on my back" he said to me with a smile as I laughed, nodding my head as I looked around.

"Your London apartment was just down there" I said as he turned as I pointed my finger down the road, Steve nodding his head as he laughed lightly, looking back at me. "The London headquarters were always my favourite" I told him as he looked down at me, smiling sadly as I looked back up at him. "You okay?" I asked him with a laugh, not too sure why he was currently staring at me.

"Yeah, I just" he started, letting out a deep breath as he bowed his head while shaking it, laughing lightly. "Last time we were here, it feels like it wasn't that long ago" he told me as he looked back up at me, a smile on my face as I raised my eyebrow at him. "Well, you didn't have to live through the extra 70 years" I said to him as he laughed at me gently, shaking his head as he looked down at me, both of us staring at each other for a moment as we enjoyed the silence.

"There's only 3 of us left now" he said to me as I nodded my head, letting out a small breath as I turned my head, looking down the street, a main road sitting at the end as cars rushed past. "And one of us is still managing to keep under the radar" I replied with a small sad smile, shaking my head as I looked back over to him, shaking my head quickly. "He will show up soon" Steve told me, nodded his head a few times to try and give me some reassurance as I smiled at him.

"Hopefully" I replied with curt nod of my head as I took his hand in mine once again, walking down the street again, pushing my other hand into my pocket as Steve started walking again, not very voluntarily as I pulled him along for a moment before slowly down as we were walking side by side again. "We should go find a pub" I told him as he nodded his head at me, laughing lightly as we made our way into the main street once again.


I sat across from at the table, leaning against the cushioned back of the bench as Steve sat in a wooden chair, both of us having a pint of beer in our hands as I laughed, Steve smiling at me as he took a quick sip from his glass, setting it down on the table as he propped one elbow up, his white t-shirt looking blue under the harsh lighting.

"We probably should have invited Sam" I said as I stopped laughing, wrapping my hand around me drink as the condensation got my hand wet. "I think he's surviving in the hotel" Steve said to me as I nodded my head, looking over at him with a smirk on my face. "It's a good thing they used the compound account to book it" I said with a smile, knowing that if I had booked the hotel I wouldn't have gone for something as elaborate, not complaining due to the fact Tony was paying for it.

"I'm going to call Nat, she would have just woken up" I said, looking down at my watch as I grabbed my phone out of my bag, standing up as I shimmied out from under the table, walking past Steve as I patted him on the shoulder quickly before making my way out of the loud pub. The summer night air was nice as I stood to the side of the sidewalk, leaning against the brick of the pub as people walked past me, on their commute out or home, not stopping as cars and buses moved quickly up on the road ahead of me.

I looked down at my phone, clicking Natasha's number as I lifted the phone to my ear, hearing the beeping as I waited, crossing one arm across my chest as I tilted my head into my phone, watching certain people pass as I waited. "Hello?" Natasha said as I looked up, her voice sounding rather groggy causing me to look down at my watch quickly. "Hey, it's me" I said briefly, furrowing my eyebrow as I looked back up at the road, watching the lights change to red as all the cars halted.

"Did I get the time wrong? You sound like you just woke up" I said to her as he groaned, knowing that I'd probably get a harsh reply if I did make her wake up too early. "No you're fine I just haven't woken up for today yet, Rhodey is on call today" she told me, knowing that since Sam, Steve and I had left there had to be a shift in the rota for who would be on standby incase of an emergency.

"How's London?" she asked me as I smiled, nodding my head as I moved in a bit, a lady with a stroller moving past me. "Nice, Steve and I are out for a drink" I told her as she was silent for a minute, the sound of sheets rustling filling my ear as I moved my phone away from my ear a little bit. "Not surprising" she said as I smiled, knowing that she probably was as well on the other end of the line. "Where's Sam?" she asked me as I moved my phone into my other hand.

"Still at the hotel, Steve and I have been at Peggy's sons this afternoon" I replied to her as I pushed a strand of my hair behind me ear, awaiting a reply. "Don't tell him you've gone for a drink without him" she told me as I laughed lightly, shaking my head as I looked down at my feet. "We can't get drunk but he can, and we still need to be in the church tomorrow afternoon" I told her as she chuckled, my smile slowly faltering as I let out a breath.

"Who else signed?" I asked her as she went silent for a minute, presumably not happy about the fact I was wanting to talk about work once again. "Rhodey, Tony and Vision" she told me as I let out a breath, knowing that those were the three I had pegged in my brain. "Okay, I should go, I've left Steve inside by himself" I told her, a car beeping it's horn loudly in front of me as most people turned to look at it, the driver angry that the car in front hadn't moved yet.

"Goodnight, or whatever" she said to me as I laughed lightly, nodding my head as I dropped my arm back by my side. "I'll speak to you tomorrow, or today, I don't know" I told her, both of us saying goodbyes as I hung up, locking my phone before I pushed it back into my pocket, making my way back into the pub.


A/N: hello guys, another small filler chapter for you because I'm trying to delay having to write the funeral scene for as long as possible
please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

A/N: hello guys, another small filler chapter for you because I'm trying to delay having to write the funeral scene for as long as possible please vote and comment and i'll see you soon

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