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Kylie ~

'Girl call me when you get home' Terry reminded me

'Yeah yeah' I replied soon hanging up the phone

I sighed deeply waiting for this meeting to be over with......since I'm an embarrassment, I sat my embarrassing self outside the room. Carter was my ride back home- well I could've called for a cab, but Carter was also the one that could let me in the house.

The door suddenly opened and the last person I didn't want to see just happened to walk out, making eye contact with me causing me to get up and just wait for Carter outside the car.

'Kylie!' The nameless man called out my name

I ain't turning around for his ass.

'I know you can here me!' He continued to follow behind me 'KYLIE!'

'WHAT!' I turned around, realising that I was way too close to him so I stepped back 'what the fuck do you want?' I asked rolling my eyes

'I want to apologise' he said

'Hmm.......' I folded my hands not buying his bullshit

'I mean it' he stared deeply into my eyes

'Yeah Right' I turned right back around only for him to grab my arm and pull right into him

'Do you want me to handle you roughly or should we discuss this like grown adults?' He spoke through his gritted teeth which caused me to get flustered

Kylie.........act right!

'Now you're acting aggressive' I tried to joke around but he was being dead serious and his height over shadowing me was making it even worse 'oh you for real- maybe we can talk this out as grown adults, God knows how roughly you'll handle me'

'You'll enjoy it' he caught my innuendo

'Yeah- I don't do white guys' I said

'Oh is that so' he said cunningly 'I was thinking of taking you out for dinner as my way of showing you sorry'

'You ain't even said sorry to me as yet- as far as I'm concerned, there will be no taking me out for dinner' I pouted my lips with attitude as I folded my arms looking elsewhere

'I just did!' He claimed

'You didn't say it properly, calling me a hoe!' I pointed out

'I didn't call you-'

'You said I was a one night stand, you don't even know me like that- and to call me aggressive, you had some nerve......'


'Can I come in?' I heard a knock on my door

I stayed silent.

'Ky I know you're mad at me, I didn't mean to- wait Kylie?' He asked as if I wasn't in my room

'Kylie, what are you doing?' He opened the door

'What does it look like I'm fucking doing?' I hurried across the room as I put everything in one of the spare suitcases lingering in my room, packing my stuff

'Your not going anywhere' he calmly spoke

'The fuck I am, first thing tomorrow morning I'm out!' I made it clear

'And where will you go?' He asked

'Nigga I ain't homeless, I got a house and I need to start paying for my bills before I loose my house and turn fucking homeless because of you!' I stressed

'Please don't call me that word' he said as I rolled my eyes

'What you gon do? You gon beat me up- put your hands on me, I dare you to!' I challenged him

'I don't hit women' he said

'But you'll fucking kidnap them and refrain from telling them why they are locked up in this big house!' I rose my voice

'I did not kidnap you-'

'SO WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE THEN!' I shouted as I felt a knot building up in my throat 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME!'

I am not going to let him see me cry- not like this.

'Look, I'll have you out in the morning tomorrow' he ran his hand over his face

'Are you fucking serious- are you fucking joking me!' I looked at him as if he was a complete idiot 'I gave you the chance to tell me why I'm here and all you want to say is I'll have you out in the morning tomorrow' I mocked his tone

'Look that's what you wanted and I'm going to leave it as that' he said

'Okay- fine then' I didn't want to bother arguing with him

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