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Kylie ~

'Right this is the last court case you'll ever have to sit and I hope and pray to god you get your justice' I told Issabella as she sat down shaking in her chair as I tried to calm her down 'remember you're doing a big favour for not just yourself, but all the victims that couldn't make it to testify and for all of those that still come out today and speak their story' I reminded her

'I know I know.........' she was shaking her head as she stared at the floor 'like Um.....Kylie I'm really thankful that you were my attorney, not only are you just doing you job, but I'm really glad that you really care and it helped me become really stronger the past coming days.......you know coming out of my shell a little bit more. Besides Karlene, I felt like I've gained another sister.......you know........'

'Awh Issabella, I'm really going to miss you you know.....' I couldn't think of anything else to say as I could feel my heart gradually get big

'It's okay, me and Karlene will FaceTime you or something- however those things work' she told me as I couldn't wipe the grin on my face

I spread my arms wide apart for me to embrace her into my arms. For once I could feel that she felt safe, she didn't feel tense remembering the first time I saw her, she was scared, she didn't want to be around anyone........now every time I get to see her, A smile forms on her face as I watch the small improvements that she makes each day to getting to the life she should've had to begin with.

The judge came into the room causing me to break away from Issabella as we got to our positions. Minutes after the speeches and the laws that were made, it was finally time for Issabella to testify. Some may argue that it was unfair because she had more time to prep her speech but what is there to prepare when she's going to be speaking from all the trauma she suffered for seven whole years.

Watching my eyes closely on Luke as he came towards Issabella, my heart started beating really fast and I think Carter could sense how panicky I was when he put his hand on my shaking thigh underneath the table. It's just horrible that my brother didn't get the justice he deserved because of Luke and if he tries to ruin Issabella's chances of not getting her justice, I really don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.

'Issabella I will only ask you this once and you need to make sure you are clear on your explanation of the events' Luke told her before he prepared for his next question 'In 2013, after you ran away from home and claimed that you were kidnapped at the age of nine, can you please tell me what happened during those 7 years?'

I sighed taking a deep breath 'I-I-I- I remember, it was one day I must've been sitting down somewhere.......I can't remember the location, but I knew I saw sitting on some park bench as I watched the other children play about with their parents. One of them looked to be a father himself- he approached me on the bench and realised how upset I was and asked me if everything was okay. There was an ice cream truck outside and he held my hand and we went to go and get ice cream- I remember mine, it was a bubblegum flavour........' she smiled to herself '.......he was like a father I never had, he treated me like I was his own daughter. I was stupid enough to follow him when he took me to his home but I was nine at the time and I just longed to have someone that cared about me like I thought he did'

A long pause occurred as my eyes were still locked on Issabella's actions as she started to stare blankly down at the wooden desk in front of her.

'Issabella......' Luke tried to prompt her calmly for her to carrying on

'Er.....I.....er.......sorry-' she apologised 'everything was fine, I thought I could call his place a home. It was one night before I went to bed, he started touching me but in a way I was uncomfortable but I brushed if off because I thought that was how...how you were supposed to be touched by a father figure- something of the sort, I don't know....' she shrugged her shoulders, confused at her own self 'I woke up one morning, having my breakfast when I saw other people shuffling in the house. Of course it would have you curious to who they were but the man I don't want to name, assured me that it would be okay. Only to get the same touch from all the men in the house before I would go to bed. I was so confused and lost the, but I couldn't blame myself when I was only nine, I thought that was normal.'

'It got worse when I turned 11, they saw me sprouting in areas where grown women would already have. I started my menstrual cycle and they would let me- they let me bleed all over the floors and I would get in trouble for making a mess but I didn't know how to stop it, I thought I was going to die- I couldn't stop bleeding' her voice started to crack as I started to rub on my neck nervously preparing for the tragic events she was about to spill 'W-When.....When I didn't do what they wanted me to do, they would, they would, they wou-'

She kept on repeating her words over again which made me worry to the fact I was nearly clinging out of my seat. I watched her even more closely as I could sense she was having a panic attack but her face started turning a different colour. Her skin started turning pale as she tried to get her words out but she couldn't form them. Tears were threatening to come out of her eyes as her eyes got wider. Her hand travelled up to her neck as her other hand fisted the table violently, causing Luke to step back in fright.

'Carter call 911!' I demanded him as I ran around my desk I was at to get to a nearly unconscious Issabella

'Miss Sco-'

'OH SHUT THE FUCK UP, DO YOU NOT SEE THERE IS A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL ON THE FLOOR UNCONSCIOUS!' I shouted forgetting all my morals and who I was talking to as I could see from the corner of my eye that Karlene coming round the other side, checking Issabella's pulse

'Thank god she's breathing...but it's weakly' Karlene said in a worried tone as I sighed in relief

'Keep on checking for her pulse just in case she stops breathing'

'GET THE FUCK OUT!' I shouted at the nosey crowd 'CASE IS DISMISSED!'

Everyone scattered out the room within a quick minute when I saw Carter come back with paramedics carrying a stretcher from behind him. Me and Karlene came out the way so the could give the doctors way to get Issabella onto the stretcher safely.

'Go with her, me and Carter will meet you there' I told Karlene as she started to shake in fear, watching a lone tear escape onto her cheek 'she'll be fine......I promise'

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